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  • 更新时间: 2016/8/16 11:18:25
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  第Ⅰ卷 (共100分)
  1._____ everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers﹙插花﹚ around his house, few people know how to keep them for as long as possible.
  A. Because    B. Since        C. While      D. If
  2.The childern are allowed to do ________they like.
  A. however            B.whatever
  C. no matter what     D. no matter how
  3.The expression on her face suggested that she _______really interested in what we were doing.
  A. shouldn’t be      B. isn’t
  C. wasn’t            D. not be
  4.__________ to our small flat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace.
  A. Compare     B. Compared
  C. To compare  D. Having been compared
  5.For her, happiness ________ helping those in trouble.
  A. consists of  B. consists in﹙在于﹚
  C. map     D. lie in﹙在于﹚
  6.If only she ______his advice !
  A..had taken      B.has taken     C.will take    D.takes
  7.If you _______hard then, you ______ in the comfortable officer now.
  A. had studied;would be sitting
  B. study;are
  C. have studied; would be sitting
  D. studied; are sitting
  8.Our team was ahead during the first half, but we _____ in the last ten minutes.
  A. were won        B. were lost
  C. were beaten     D. Won
  9.In America, it is often the judges, rather than the politicians __________ make the big decision __________ will effect people’s life.
  A. which; that    B. which; which
  C. that; who      D. who; that
  10.I wish I _____him the news yestaday.
  A. had not told    B. did not tell
  C. was not told    D. have not told
  11.If you are able to talk to a friend over the telephone, you feel that you are close __________ the actual distance is not shortened.
  A. even if     B. so long as     C. if     D. as
  12.If  Masaccio ______alive, he ______be amazed at how artists paint today.
  A.is; was    B.were; could     C.is; can     D.was ; would
  13.The little girl stood close to the wall, ____________ herself against the cold.
  A. hugging    B. hugged     C. to hug   D. having hugged
  14.Mrs. Taylor has __________ 8-year-old daughter who has __________ gift for painting -- she has won two national prizes.
  A. a; a        B. an; the       C. an; a       D. the; a
  15.--Does the young man standing there ________ the company.
  -- No, the company is _____his father.
  A.in possession of; in the possession of

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