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  • 资源大小: 3.34 MB
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  • 更新时间: 2016/8/5 17:14:31
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。
  2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的班级、姓名、考号填写答题卡相应的位置。
  3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。
  第I  卷(选择题,共100分)
  1. What is the man going to do tonight?
  A. To a birthday party. B. To visit Nancy. C. To the airport.
  2. Why does the girl want to buy a clock?
  A. She has trouble wap. B. She wants to buy someone a gift.
  C. Her watch is broken.
  3. Where did the woman stay while she was in Alaska?
  A. She stayed in the local's house. B. She stayed in a hotel with her friends.
  C. She camped near the mountains.
  4. What did the man asstin to do?
  A. Borrow some magazines for him. B. Bring some magazines to him.
  C. Refer to some magazines to finish his design.
  5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A. A book. B. A film.           C. A writer.
  6. When did the woman get to the Friendship Hotel?
  A. At a quarter past 11.  B. At 11.     C. At a quarter to 11.
  7. What do we know about the conversation?
  A. It's the rush hour when the woman got into the taxi.
  B. The driver would get to another hotel. C. The driver gave the woman a lift.
  8. What do you think may be the two speakers?
  A. Doctors.          B. Patients. C. Basketball players.
  9. What do you know about their leader?
  A. He has got bird flu.    B. He missed the important match. 
  C. He has already come to life.
  10. What do you know about the man?
  A. He is a foreigner.     B. He doesn't like opera so much. 
  C. He ch about opera.
  11. What will they do to enjoy Beijing Opera?
  A. Book the tickets.    B. Call the theater.
  C. Go to Chang'an Grand Theatre.
  12. What does the woman think of White Snake?
  A. A traditional play.     B. A moving play. C. The best Beijing Opera.
  13. What happened to Mr Yang?
  A. He won the marathon.      B. He lost weight.  
  C. He became a soccer team member.
  14. How many hours does Mr Yang do sports each week?
  A. 10 hours.        B. 12 hours.     C. 14 hours.
  15. Which sport does Mr Yang think is cheap and relaxing?
  A. Boxing.         B. Swimming.        C. Cycling.
  16. What does Mr Yang think of soccer?
  A. It's interesting, exciting and fast. B. It's fun, fast and good for many things.
  C. It's interesting, exciting and good for breathing.
  17. What kind of gifts is the woman talking about?
  A. Thanksgiving Day gifts. B. Birthday gifts. C. Christmas gifts
  18. How many grandchildren does the woman have?
  A. Four. B. Seven. C. Eleven.
  19. Where did the woman's granddaughter put her gift?
  A. In a bag. B. In a box. C. In an envelope.
  20. What impressed the woman most about the gift?
  A. That Her granddaughter used French to express herself.
  B. That Her granddaughter showed great love with simple words.
  C. That Her granddaughter bought the gift with all her money.
  There have been times in my life I felt satisfied. Sometimes it was because I had achieved a goal I had set. Other times it was because I had overcome a struggle or test of life. However, every time I feel that way, I learn again that full isn’t full. There always seems to be a little more room.
  When I was a little boy I felt that the love I had for my Mom and Dad, and the love they had for me, just filled me up. Surely in a house full of nine people a young boy loved and was loved as fully as a person could stand. Imagine my surprise as I then extended that love to grandparents, my uncle & aunt, cousins, etc. As I

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