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  • 更新时间: 2016/4/30 9:31:34
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  英    语
  说明:本试卷共分为第I卷 (选择题) 和第II卷 (非选择题)两部分。满分100分,考试时间为100分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。
  第 I 卷
  I. 阅读理解 (共两节,满分30分)
  When you tidy your messy bedroom, it gets a lot easier to find things. Dreams may work the same way for a messy brain, helping you learn by organizing memories and ideas.
  To test how much dreams can help learning, Robert Stickgold had some students play a shape-fitting game called Tetris (俄罗斯方块) for a few hours and then go to sleep. Soon they were dreaming of falling Tetris shapes. Interestingly, the worst Tetris players had the most Tetris dreams and improved their game the most. Similar tests have shown the same results for all kinds of skills.
  As we dream, many important tasks are getting done. The brain decides what to keep and what to forget. It is connecting new experiences to older learning. In fact, the brain is learning all night long.
  Another important task of dreams may be to help us deal with emotions(情绪). People who have had an upsetting experience often dream about it afterward. Often the dream event changes somehow----another way the brain tries to make the memory less upset. So if your best friend moves away, you might dream that you're the one who's moving. In fact, dreams have a proven power to improve mood, and people who dream about what's bothering them usually feel better sooner than those who don't.
  Everybody dreams for a couple of hours every night----in the course of your life, you'll spend about 25 years asleep and 6 years dreaming. There's probably no single answer to the question why we dream, but there doesn't have to be. One dream might help you remember your math facts, while another might lead to a new invention, or give you a fun, crazy story to tell your friends. It's all in a night's worr busy, mysterious brains.
  1. Robert Stickgold's test shows that________.
  A. dreams can help improve skills B. tasks can only be settled through dreams
  C. games are useful for memory D. players stop learning in dreams
  2. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that_______ .
  A. dreams can get rid of sufferings     B. only drivers can deal with emotions
  C. one may be less upset after a dream D. dreams can copy what one experienced
  3. What does the text focus on?
  A. Dreams and memories. B. The patterns of dreams.      
  C. Dreams and emotions. D. The benefits of dreams.
  In today’s consumer world, we’ve never had so much, yet it seems we’ve never been so unsatisfied. The cost of housing has been rising for decades, and the cost to the planet has been huge, too. But there is a way to live a simpler, greener, and more affordable life: buy a TinyDwelling home!
  TinyDwelling homes are very small, yet comfortable houses at affordable prices. Each TinyDwelling home includes a living room, kitchen, bathroom, upstairs sleeping area, and convenient storage space. TinyDwelling homes are cheap to run and ecologically-friendly, too. All you need is a small heater to r house warm in cold weather, and solar panels (太阳能电池板) to provide light and electricity.
  TinyDwelling is part of the small-living movement that began in the late 1990s. Back then, a growing number of people began to live in very small homes. They wanted to reduce their possessions, living space, and energy costs, so as to lead more ecologically-friendly lives. But the small-living movement really took off after the economic crisis of 2008, when many people realized that they couldn’t afford to keep large homes.
  Lizzy Morriaon, a small-living lover, started TinyDwelling homes in 2008 to meet the needs of these people. Since then, Lizzy has been designing and building homes nonstop, and TinyDwelling homes have become so popular that thousands of people have bought one. And Lizzy hasn’t only designing and building houses. She has also been teaching people how to build them. Simply buy the plans and materials so that you can build your own home, and save even more money!

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