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  • 更新时间: 2016/4/26 12:04:36
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  题号 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 总分人 复核人 总分
  (    )1.A. happy     B. heavy    C. hurry
  (    )2.A. north     B. noise     C. notice
  (    )3.A. night     B. tonight    C. right
  (    )4.A. cooking    B. cook    C. cooked
  (    )5.A. Remember to bring your new photo to school.
  B. Forget to bring your new photo to school.
  C. Remember to take a new photo home.
  (    )6. A. I'd like to.         B. I hope so.       C. The same to you.
  (    )7. A. Forget it.          B. Certainly not.    C. It doesn’t matter.
  (    )8. A. Nothing serious.    B. Sounds great.    C. Fine,than.
  (    )9. A. OK.1 will.         B. Really?        C. You’11 catch it.
  (    )10. A. She is a bank clerk.    B. She has a younger brother.      C. She is outgoing.
  (    )11.How does Misually go to school?
  A. On foot.     B. By bus.     C. By bike.
  (    )12. Where will the man go for the holiday?
  A.Yunnan.      B.Hainan.    C. Guangzhou.
  (    )13. What does the man think of the movie Lost in HongKong?
  A. Boring.      B. Exciting.    C. Wonderful.
  (    )14. What’s the boy’s advice for Zhao Lin?
  A. To argue with her friend.  B. To say sorry to her friend.  C. To keep silent.
  (    )15. Which kind of sport isn’t mentioned in the dialogue?
  A. Running.    B. Going skating.    C. Playing basketball.
  (    )16. Where does Zhao Lei work?
  A. In a factory.      B. In a hospital.      C. In a police station.
  (    )17. When does Zhao Lei have one week off?
  A. Every August.    B. Every October.    C. Every September.
  (    )18. How did Zhao Lei go to Tianjin?
  A. By plane.       B. By sea.          C. By train.
  (    )19. How long had Zhao Lei been on the train?
  A. For six hours.    B. For sixty hours.    C. For sixteen hours.
  (    )20. What did Zhao Lei do in Tianjin?
  A. He traveled in the countryside.
  B. He helped the injured people.
  C. He talked with the people there.
  21. Please speak ___________(slow). I can’t follow you,Madam.
  22. Hearing the good news, we all felt ___________(excite).
  23. She is one of the famous ___________(scientist) in China.
  24. Did you make all the dumplings by ___________(you)?
  25. Jenny lives on the  ___________(twelve) floor of that building.
  (    )26. We had____one-day holiday in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary(纪念日)of the victory in World War II.
  A.a              B.an           C.the          D./
  (    )27. —What do you think the Olympic Games?
  —_______________.I’ll go to Tokyo to watch it in 2020
  A. I love it      B. Don’t worry   C. Sounds terrible       D. I don’t mind
  (    )28. I think the first lesson _____ we are learning is very easy.
  A. that          B.where       C.who       D.when
  (    )29. —Cathy,can you answer the door?I _____

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