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  I. 听力(共10小题;满分15分)
  角色:两名学生为一组: S1: Li Ping  S2: Wang Tong
  情景:Li Ping 和Wang Tong 一起看了一段英语学习短片.
  任务: 听完短片后,Wang Tong有些疑问,于是用英语向Li Ping提问,问题包括以下内容:
  1.向Li Ping询问Mike Smith为什么去旅馆.
  Question 1 (S2): ________________________________________________________________
  Answer 1 (S1) : _________________________________________________________________
  2. 向Li Ping 询问Mike Smith 的房间号是多少.
  Question 2 (S2): ________________________________________________________________
  Answer 2 (S1) : _________________________________________________________________
  3. 向Li Ping确认早餐供应时间.
  Question 3(S2): ________________________________________________________________
  Answer 3 (S1) : _________________________________________________________________
  4. 向Li Ping 询问询问使用无线上网的费用.
  Question 4 (S2): ________________________________________________________________
  Answer 4 (S1) : _________________________________________________________________
  5. 向Li Ping 询问如果Mike Smith退房要付多少钱.
  Question 5 (S2): ________________________________________________________________
  Answer 5 (S1) : _________________________________________________________________
  II 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
  It came upon us suddenly--- my husband and I were facing his heart operation. He had never told me about the shortness of breath he had experienced a few months earlier. When he was alarmed by the state of his   1  , he finally asked me to make an appointment with the   2  .
  When he was having the   3   , I was praying every prayer I had learned. My best friend and my son were by my side. In the darkest moment, I felt deep inside that he would not   4 the operation. Just when I had given up all the hope of a good outcome, I felt hugged and surrounded by   5   as many people were praying for us.
  Soon the doctor   6   out, bringing the good news that the operation was   7  . He shook my hand, and when I    8    his warm and firm hand, I became    9    of what I was doing. I was holding a hand which, just a short while ago, had held my husband's   10    heart.
  As part of recovery, my husband was given a red   11   to grasp tightly to his chest. It could prevent any    12    to the cut when he was moving, coughing or sneezing. Five days after the operation, we returned home. The red pillow s company as my husband gained strength and   13   .
  That was four years ago.   14   , when I see the red pillow in our closet, I will always hold it close to my chest and remember the day when I realized the   15    of grace and goodness.
  1. A. health   B. breath    C. shape    D. appearance
  2. A. nurse   B. doctor    C. officer    D. milker
  3. A. rest       B. operation   C. organization  D. management
  4. A. experience  B. bear    C. pass    D. survive
  5. A. pity       B. love    C. mercy    D. comfort
  6. A. came   B. took    C. turned    D. set
  7. A. lonely   B. cruel    C. fortunate   D. successful
  8. A. sounded   B. touched   C. felt    D. applied
  9. A. afraid     B. shocked      C. aware        D. fond
  10. A. sinking    B. beating      C. running      D. warming
  11. A. pillow   B. box    C. wallet    D. gift
  12. A. wound   B. damage   C. opening   D. growth
  13. A. confidence   B. beauty         C. friend         D. breath
  14. A. Eventually    B. Suddenly   C. Unexpectedly    D. Occasionally
  15. A. fact   B. dream    C. power    D. truth
  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  We may be very    16   (please) with the rapid progress we have made in every field of study, but we have almost done nothing to improve our present   17   (exam) systems which focus   18    testing the students’ memory instead of their    19     (able). As soon as a child begins school, he enters a world of examination    20   will decide his future of job. In fact a good examination system should encourage students to think for themselves. But

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