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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 七年级下册试卷
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  • 资源大小: 1.32 MB
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  • 更新时间: 2013/6/13 20:00:20
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  试卷分值:100分  考试时间:90分钟
  第一卷(共80分 )
  I. 听力测试(20分)
  A) 根据你在录音里听到的句子,从下面的选项中选择最佳答句。(每小题读一遍)
  (   )1. A. Before two weeks.    B. In two weeks.  C. Two weeks ago.
  (   )2. A. Computers.   B. Wood.    C. Glasses.
  (   )3. A. Washington.     B. London.     C. Beijing.
  (   )4. A. No, I don’t like.  B. Yes, of course.    C. Than.
  (   )5. A. He likes making models.  B. He is making models.  C. He makes models.
  (   )6. A. Yes, I am.    B. No, I’m not.    C. No, I don’t.
  (   )7. A. A cup of tea, please.   B. A hamburger, please. C. Thanks for your coffee.
  (   )8. A. No. This is 3456786.   B. Yes, I am.    C. No, he isn’t.
  (   )9. A. Yes, I can.    B. I like to fly a kite.       C. I can make kites.
  (   )10. A. Yes, please.         B. Yes, I do.    C. I like reading storybooks.
  B) 根据你所听到的句子,选出最恰当的应答句。每小题读两遍。(5分,共5小题,每小题1分)
  (   )11. Who is the owner of the bike?
  A. The woman.  B. The woman’s daughter.  C. The man.
  (   ) 12. Where is the woman leaving for?
  A. Germany. B. China.   C. Canada.
  (   )13. When will the plane leave?
  A. At 6:30 pm.    B. At 8:00 pm.     C. At 9:00 pm.
  (   )14. When did Sally come back home?
  A. Last Sunday.    B. Last Saturday.    C.
  II. 选择填空(共20小题,每小题1分)
  A) 从每小题的四个选项中选出可以替代划线部分的最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)
  (   )21. His little brother is young, but he can do a lot of things by himself .
  A. alone   B. with others’ help     C. in his way    D. without his help
  (   ) 22. Let’s discuss the problem after school .
  A. talk to   B. talt    C. know about    D. thint
  (   ) 23. It’s not polite to man of others when they are in trouble .
  A. have fun    B. enjoy fun    C. laugh at   D. loon
  (   )24. We know Lady Gaga is well-known all over the world .
  A. famous     B. kind   C. popular    D. rich
  (   )25. We waited for him at the school gate , but he didn’t appear until nine .

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