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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/2 20:08:41
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  本试题满分100分,考试时间100 分钟,答案请写在答卷页上。
  第一节单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  1.       such a great trouble,the little girl didn’t know what to do.
  A. Facing with  B. Faced with   C. Facing    D. B and C
  2. I saw a lighthouse       at the mouth of the river.
  A. locating   B. located   C. location   D. locate
  3. --What kind of       makes 3G cellphones so popular with young people?
  --Video communication, I think.
  A. mark   B. sign    C. symbol   D. feature
  4. China came up to the second place in the world       economy.
  A. instead of  B. in favor of   C. in exchange of   D. in terms of
  5. --Why not open the windows to let       cool air in?
  --I’d rather you didn’t.       air in our town is terribly polluted.
  A. / ; /    B. a; the     C. /; The    D. the; /
  6. Peter        some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.
  A. brought up  B. loop   C. picp   D. set up
  7. When you are tired, you can go to the park to relax yourself       the post office.
  A. opposite from  B. next to    C. opposite against  D. next
  8. Nothing but some ancient Chinese coins       in the sunken ship since they began the exploration.
  A. has found   B. had been found   C. has been found   D. have been found
  9. Mr. Peter is one of the foreign experts who       in China.
  A. works   B. is working   C. are working   D. has been working
  10. This armchair is not comfortable      .
  A. to sit in   B. to sit    C. sat     D. sitting
  11. It is amazing that the little boy can swim       the river       100 meters wide.
  A. across; measuring     B. over; measured
  C. across; measure      D. through; measuring
  12. Sam couldn’t       how to wort the problem until the teacher explained it to him.
  A. figure out  B. go through   C. get over   D. come up
  13. Tony lent me the money,        that I’d do as much for him. 
  A. hoping   B. to hope   C. hoped    D. having hoped
  14. When she saw the       scene after the earthquake, a       look came to her face.
  A. terrifying; terrified     B. terrified; terrifying
  C. terrifying; terrifying     D. terrified; terrified
  15. It _______ me that I had left my keys in the dining hall.
  A. struck to                 B. occurred
  C. hit                               D. came up to

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