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  • 更新时间: 2013/3/12 7:51:06
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.—___John come here tonight?
  —I’m not sure, but he ______ stay at home.
  A. May, might    B. Can, must     C. Must, might     D. Can, might
  2.Attention must be paid to ______ science and technology..
  A .develop         B. developing       C. development      D. Developed
  3.Come along now and sit down. Tom, can you make_____for Mary?
  A.a face B.room   C.some difference D.space
  4. ________ you have bought the little dog, y ou should take good care of it instead of taking no notice of it, Nina.
  A. For      B. Now that       C. After      C. As soon as
  5.Each of us is likely to develop a personal         for certain types of entertainment.
  A. comparison   B. possession  C. preference  D. advantage
  6.— Do you want anything else for your birthday?
  — Nothing else. I’m very ________ with what you’ve bought me.
  A. satisfying  B. disappointed  C. content   D. honest
  7.My grandma still treats me like a child. She can’t imagine ______ grown up.  
  A. my                         B. mine             C. myself               D. me
  8.Although _____ to stop, he kept on working.
  A. tell   B. told   C. was told  D. having told
  9.Who ______ the fight against the H1N1 flu ______ it not been for the Chinese scientists’ great efforts?
  A. could have won; had  B. would win; had  C. would have won; has D. could win; has
  10.In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, you should _____ your finds in logical order and clear language.
  A.write       B.raise        C.present   D.rise
  11.Everybody in our village, men and women, young and old,       the game
  A.joins    B.enjoys  C.go in for  D.are fond of
  12.The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned to the earth on February 1,2003,__________all seven astronauts aboard.
  A.having killed     B.killing
  C.being killed      D.killed
  13.Although Tom is staying abroad, he is much ______ his family members.
  A. concerning about                 B. concerned about
  C. concerning with                  D. concerned with
  14. Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours ______ an agreement.
  A. they reached                   B. do they reach
  C. they reach                     D. did they reach
  15.---It is said that the famous movie The Flowers Of War will be shown next week in the cinema.
  ---Really?I am dying____that movie.
  A.to be seen        B.to see         C.seeing        D.to seeing
  Last Sunday turned out to be more exciting than I had expected. We were at our grandparents’ house for a visit as     1    . My cousin and I had made an appointment to go in-line skating in the nearby park. He could do so me neat stunts (特技)and had promised to show me     2    .
  We managed to persuade our parents to    3     us go in-line skating on our own.   4     it soon started to rain and we had to seek shelter on the empty deck (place) of a block of flats. It really dampened my     5    .
  Suddenly, we heard a    6     and saw a man dashing out of a lift. Just as he ran   7      us, we saw an old woman coming out of the same lift and crying, “Thief! Thief!” My cousin immediately went after the thief in his    8     . To be honest, I was extremely    9     at the beginning .Then I heard a honk. It was my uncle and aunt. I jumped into their car and told them about the robbery. We   10    off in the thief’s direction while my aunt stayed with the old woman.
  Soon, we    11   up with my cousin. He was still in hot pursuit of the thief. Seeing his 12     , my uncle sped up and turned suddenly to the right to   13    just in front of the thief. The man was   14    and fell to the grou

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