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  • 更新时间: 2013/3/11 22:51:55
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  1.Paper _____ the fibres of plants for many years. 
  A. has been made from    B. have been made out of  
  C. has made up of        D. have been made into
  2.I hear they've promoted Tom.but he didn't mention ______ when we talked on the phone.
  A.to promote          B.having been promoted
  C.having promoted     D.to be promoted
  3.It is rather difficult to make friends with her, but her friendship, _______, is truer than any other’s.
  A.while gaining  B.after gaining    C.when to gain   D.once gained
  4.The hospital's patients , mainly_______road accident victims, have been recovered from their injuries
  A. made up of    B. made of  C. made from   D. consisted of
  5.--- Have you telephoned your father ?
  --- Yes. He _____ back next year.
  A.expects   B.is expected   C.will expects  D.will be expected
  6.I always have so many things to ________ when I come into the office after a trip abroad.
  A.add to    B.attend to   C.contribute to    D.appeal to
  7.She has been in        doctors describe as a vegetative (植物的) state for six years.
  A.what   B.which C.that  D.how
  8.David Beckham’s career ____ almost immediately when he was on the Manchester United’s youth team in 1992.
  A. took up    B. got off     C. showed off     D. took off
  9.I can’t help being touched_____ I see the photo of the little Afghan girl crying over her mum’s body
  A. each time  B. at each time  C. each time that   D. each time when
  10.Leave your key with your neighbor      you locrself out one day.
  A.  as long as          B.  even though        C.  in case         D.  as if
  11.While ___ along the street, I met an old friend of mine.
  A. I walking    B. was walking  C. I am walking  D. walking
  12.The United Nations                in 1945.
  A. were found   B. were founded   C. was founded   D. was found
  13.You can't camp________you like these days. Many natural areas are now under protection.
  A.whichever   B.wherever  C.what   D.when
  14.--- What kind of house do you want to have? Something big?
  --- Well, it         be big --- that’s not important.
  A. mustn’t  B. needn’t   C. can’t    D. won’t
  15.          is no possibility          Bob will win the first prize in the match.
  A. That; that         B. There; that          C. There; whether     D. It ; whether
  Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music.Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her   1   concert.She had been waiting for this   2   for years and years.“Now it is here at last,” she thought.“How beautiful her   3   is.”
  The song made her   4   to the days when she was Lauren’s   5  .As a young   6  , Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer.She studied   7   in France, Italy and in the United States.“You can become a fine   8   in the future,” her teachers told her.“But you must be   9   to study hard and work for many years.There will be   10   time for anything but music in your life.”
  Dorothy was   11   at that time and she was   12   that music was all she wanted or needed to   13   her life.For almost a year

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