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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高一上学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 146 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2013/1/12 19:06:32
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Friends.        B. Colleagues.       C. Neighbors.
  2. Where is the woman from?
  A. The United States.     B. England.       C. China
  3. How often does the man do his part-time job?
  A. Once a week.      B. Twice a week.      C. Three times a week.
  4. Where did the woman get a part-time job?
  A. At a cafe.     B. At the post office.      C. At a bookstore.
  5. What does the man do with his part-time income?
  A. He saves all of it for trips.
  B. He spends some of it on clothes.
  C. He buys books with some of it.
  Shaping a child is like shaping clay(粘土)—you have to start from the beginning and worr way to the end with extreme caution but with gentle and loving   16  . However, unlike clay, you don’t get a second   17   with a child. You can put all the clay back together and start again but with a child, what is done is done.   18   it’s even more caution with care.
  Building a child’s esteem is no small play; it mar black hair   19  , steals away years of your life and still will not look done. Therefore you have to learn how to build self-esteem and   20   your child from the beginning. After all, parenting begins from babyhood.
  Small case could leave large   21   on your child’s mind. Reason why you should not overlook something that went wrong. If another child   22   your kid, everyone laughed and you told your son to   23   it, that’s the first wrong step. You have to teach your child to   24   up for himself. Don’t let your child fall down inside. Tell him to ask the child why he is hitting him or   25   to the nearest adult he can reach.
  Most of all before you speak to a child you have to be a   26   example. If you go around laughing at people, your kids will do the   27  . If you are a coward(懦夫)yourself and do not stand up to situations, do not   28   your child not to follow you. Children are like monkeys—they copy every   29  , from how you eat to how you handle situations.
  Building self-esteem begins at home. Small self-confident acts make a(n)   30   impact on your child.
  16. A. heads       B. hands      C. tools      D. knives
  17. A. test         B. grade      C. class      D. chance
  18. A. Thus        B. But       C. Or        D. Although
  19. A. lost         B. gray       C. weak      D. curl
  20. A. interest      B. direct      C. order      D. encourage
  21. A. impact       B. lesson      C. mark      D. space
  22. A. laughed      B. pushed     

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