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  • 更新时间: 2013/1/9 14:44:51
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  I. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  In the last 20 years of my life, I have been interested in self-improvement and applying it to myself in many ways. And of course all through that time I have learnt a lot and made it much   1  .
  So in the last 3 months I seem to have reached this   2   high level. I feel a miracle has happened to me, in fact the other day I couldn't stop staring at myself in the   3    mare all these wonderful things were happening to me! Then I cried a small   4  , not because of what I looked lit because I was so
  5  for the person I had become.
  Several things have happened to make me   6   ensure that my track in life has truly   7  . I moved back to my hometown after being away a decade and was astonished that so many people   8   my name in a nice way, greeted me and   9   me back. And over the next 3 months they were excited for my growth. At the   10   where I exhibit today, people come over and greet me, I see the   11   on their faces when they talk to me frankly and   12  . Thus I think they are   13   my expression or style. I know I give them a good feeling at the fairs not just from keeping my expression open, understanding, t with a   14 
  smile in all the right places. But now I do feel that what I have done for the people may bring them a bit of sympathy.
  And most of all I believe in the mirror   15  . I have ever been doing the hard work, improving myself and now I feel it's coming back to me in absolute roads and I am considered to be a man of great culture.
  1. A. easier B. healthier C. happier D. better
  2. A. wonderful B. helpful C. useful D. harmful
  3. A. window  B. mirror C. area  D. road
  4. A. sorrow B. fear  C. tear D. voice
  5. A. hopeful  B. anxious C. grateful D. proud
  6. A. nearly  B. really C. hardly D. equally

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