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  • 更新时间: 2015/8/7 14:32:42
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  英 语 试 题
  1. The Great Wall is the last place ________ we will visit.
  A. where    B. which    C. that    D. in which
  2. What big fish! Where did you get ________? It is the first time I ________ such fish.
  A it…see   B. it…have seen   C. them…see   D. them… have seen
  3. In the dark street, he had no one to ________ for help.
  A. turn up     B. turn around     C. turn to   D. turn down
  4. The dards are gathering as if it ________ rain.
  A. will    B. would    C. were going to    D. is going to
  5. You can’t imagine the trouble she ________ her missing child.
  A. had found    B. had finding    C. had to find    D. has found
  6. Luckily we had a map, without ________ we would have got lost.
  A. which   B. it    C. that    D. what
  7. The cow ________ by the fire rushed out into the street.
  A. frightening     B. frightened         C. was frightened    D. be frightened
  8. It is surprising for them to complete ________ work in ________.
  A. so little…such a short time    B. so much… so short time
  C. such little…so short a time    D. so much…such a short time
  9. In the accident, only 3 of the miners escaped ________ by the gases.
  A. killed     B. killing     C. to be killed      D. being kill
  10. You can marself ________ in English quite well if you keep on speaking the language.
  A. understood    B. understand    C. to understand    D. understanding
  One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting on the bank. There I would   11   the peace and quiet, watch the water rush   12   and listen to the singing of birds and the rustling of   13   in the trees. I would also watch the bamboo trees   14   under pressure from the wind and watch them   15   gracefully to their original position after the wind had   16   .
  When I thint the bamboo tree's ability to bounce back to its original position, the word "resilience"(恢复能力) comes to mind. When used in   17   a person this word means the ability to readily   18   from shock, depression or any other situation that stretches the limits of a person's   19   .
  Have you ever felt li are at your   20   point? Thankfully, you have survived the experience to live to talt it.

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