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  I  语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)
  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15各题所给的A、B, C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  Blind from birth, I have never had the opportunity to see myself and have been completely dependent on the image I create in the eyes of others.
  There are those who __ 1 __ that since I can’t see, I obviously also cannot hear. Very often people will talk with me at the top of their lungs. Conversely to this, people will also often __ 2 __, assuming that since my eyes don’t work, my ears don’t either. For example, when I go to the airport and ask the ticket agent for assistance to the plane, he or she will always pick up the phone and call a ground hostess in a very low voice. “Hi, Jane, we’ve got a 76 here.” I have concluded that the word “__ 3 __” is not used because they are unwilling to inform me of my condition of which I may not have been previously aware.
  On the other hand, others know that of course I can hear, but believe that I can’t talk. Once I became ill and was hospitalized. Immediately after I was __ 4 __, I was wheeled down to the X-ray room. Just at the door sat an elderly woman ( judging from her voice ) asked the orderly(护工) who had been wheeling me, “What is your name?” “What’s your name?” the orderly __ 5 __ to me. “Harold Krents”, I replied. “Harold Krents”, he repeated. “When was he born?” “When were you born?” This continued for about five minutes before I finally interrupted, “Look, this is absolutely __ 6 __. OK, I can’t see, but it’s going to become pretty __ 7 __ to both of you that I don’t need an interpreter.” “He says he doesn’t need an interpreter,” the orderly reported to the woman.  
  The __ 8 __ misconception of all is the view that because I cant see, I can’t __ 9 __ . I was turned down by over forty law firms, even though my qualifications included a cum laude  (以优等成绩毕业者 )degree from Harvard Law School. The __ 10__ to find jobs, the continuous disappointment of being told that it was impossible for a blind person to __ 11 __ law, the rejection letter, not based on my lack of __ 12 __ but rather on my disability, will always remain one of the most upsetting experiences of my life.
  __ 13 __ , the Department of Labor issued laws that demand equal __ 14 __ opportunities for the disabled. The business community’s response has been __ 15 __. The attitude towards the disabled is beginning to change.
  1.A.assume B.observe C.approve D.propose
  2.A.shout B.laugh C.whisper D.cry
  3.A.passenger B.blind C.trouble D.situation
  4.A.invited B.released C.included D.admitted
  5.A.asked B.responded C.repeated D.exchanged
  6.A.cheerful B.ridiculous C.charming D.disgusting
  7.A.clear B.easy C.confusing D.doubtful
  8.A.earliest B.slightest C.latest D.toughest
  9.A.think D.understand
  10.A.attempt B.opportunity C.mistake D.success
  11.A.disobey B.challenge C.practice D.make
  12.A.confidence B.luck C.ability D.ambition
  13.A.Regretfully B.Deliberately C.Exactly D.Fortunately
  14.A.medication B.employment C.learning D.traveling
  15.A.enthusiastic B.passive C.negative D.uncertain
  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


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