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  • 更新时间: 2012/12/29 0:09:21
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  英语试题       2012.12
  第一部分  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  1. ——It is said that the famous cyclist _________his parents is to visit our city next week.
  ——I heard the news _________.
  A. and; too      B. as well as; as well  C. as well as; as well as  D. with; either
  2. Since 1949, the people’s living standard  ____ , causing a big ____ in population.
  A. has been raised; rise      B. has been risen; raise
  C. has raised; rise       D. has raised; rose
  3.  I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _______so happy!
  A. did I feel    B. I felt   C. I had felt  D. had I felt
  4.  The surface of the table _____________.
  A. feels soft       B. feels softly       C. is felt soft    D. is felt softly
  5. As time__________, she became more and more anxious about her son’s safety.
  A. passing       B. going by     C. passed       D. goes by
  6. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _________ I disagree.
  A. why        B. where   C. what     D. how
  7.  Mary’s pale face suggested that she _______ ill and her parents suggested she ________ a doctor.
  A. should be; should see    B. was ; see    C. be; seeing   D. was; would see
  8. More attention should be ___ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production
  A. paid to improving  B. paid to improve  C. taken to improve   D.taken to improving
  9. Is this the first time that Jack _________ this kind of food?  
  A. enjoys B. has enjoyed C. enjoyed D. had enjoyed
  10.  —What do you think of his talk on Information Technology?
  —Oh,excellent. It’s worth________.
  A.listening to B.being listened to   C.listening  D. to be listened to
  11. Has she ever asked for the reason________ may explain his coming late?
  A.why   B.for which       C.that    D.for that
  12.The girls ______into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work.
  A.accepted  `B.accepting        C.admitted   `D.admitting
  13.I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could ___________ who she was,she had run back in the direction ________ she had come.

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