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  • 更新时间: 2012/12/24 21:48:02
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  答卷时间:120分钟  满分:150分
  第一部分 听力(共15小节,每小节2分,满分30分)
  Conversation 1
  1. What day is it today?
  A. Friday       B. Sunday       C. Monday
  2. What’s the woman’s plan for tomorrow?
  A. Rest at home    B, Work at home    C. Go to a movie
  Conversation 2
  3. How much weight has the man gained this year?
  A. 10 pounds    B. 20 pounds    C. 30 pounds
  4. What will the man do tonight?
  A. Go to the gym  B. Celebrate his birthday   C. Celebrate his son’s birthday
  Conversation 3
  5. What did the woman do today?
  A. She went to the hospital. 
  B. She went running with Ann.
  C. She went shopping with Ann
  6. How did the woman come back?
  A. On foot    B. By taxi    C. By bus
  Conversation 4
  ccident    B. Poor treatment    C. Heart failure
  15. How old is Ann probably now?
  A. 5 years old       B. 7 years old       C. 10 years old
  第二部分 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  More than 220 people were killed in the fire __16__destroyed the Capital Building on February 4th, 1974. The building was finished only a few months __17_   the fire;    18   was Sao Paulo’s newest building. All the 25 floors of the office building were completely destroyed. __19___ fire also destroyed cars which belonged to the people who worked in the building.
  Over 500 people were working in the building ___20__ the fire brot on the 11th floor. No one knows ___21__ the fire started. Perhaps it    22    (start) by an ___23___ (electricity) fire in the ceiling of one of the offices. Office workers tried to put out the fire, _24__ it was impossible to control it. Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above ____25___ (escape). 
  第三部分 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
  阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从26 ~ 40各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  Mrs. Jones was very fond of singing. She had a good   26   , except that some of her high notes tended to sound like a gate, which someone had forgotten to   27   . Mrs. Jones was very conscious of this   28 _, and took every   29   she could find to practice these high   30  . As she lived in a small house where she could not practice without   31    the rest of the family, she usually went for long walks along the country roads whenever she had time, and practiced her high notes there. Every time she heard a   32   or a person coming along the   33  , she stopped and   34    until she could no longer be heard before she started practicing again, because she was a   35   person, and because she was sensitive about those high notes.
  One afternoon, however, a fast, open car came up behind her so   36   and so fast that she did not hear it until it was only a few yards from her. She was singing some of her highest and most   37   notes at the time, and as the car passed her, she saw an anxious   38    suddenly come over its driver’s face. He put his brakes on violently, and as soon as the car stopped, jumped out and began to   39   all his tires carefully.
  Mrs. Jones did not dare to tell him what the noise he had heard had really been, so he got back into his car and drove off as   40   as

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