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  英 语 试 题
  选择题部分 (共80分)
  第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)
  1. I’m quite ______ to office work. Can you offer me some suggestions?
  A. familiar       B. fresh    C. similar          D. sensitive
  2. He told me that he had mailed part of the samples and that the rest ______ in a few days.
  A. was following    B. have followed  C. has followed D. were following
  3. The mayor is devoted to his work and never takes bribes, so he has a good ______.
  A. contribution B. administration C. reputation D. expectation
  4. I ______ a flu when I was on a spring outing with my classmates.
  A. caught up       B. picp        C. took up          D. brought up
  5. ______, I believe, and you will find Tom is very outgoing.
  A. Having a talk with the student         B. One talk with the student
  C. Giving a talk with the student       D. If you have a talk with the student
  6. Determination is a kind of basic quality and is ______ it takes to do jobs well.
  A. what B. that C. which D. why
  7. The fog was so heavy this morning that drivers could hardly ______ the things just ten meters away from them.
  A. figure out     B. loot         C. mat  D. rule out
  8. In terms of a happy marriage, how much money the family has saved is of ________ great importance.
  A. nothing B. not C. none D. no
  9. A powerful earthquack Haiti’s capital, ______ tens of thousands homeless and buried in ruins.
  A. left B. to leave C. leaving D. having left
  10. So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, ______ dying soon after birth.
  A. many of which B. many of whom C. many of them D. many of that
  11. Money was tight for him, but he managed to _____ at least $100 ______ every week for the trip.

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