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  • 更新时间: 2012/11/25 13:56:09
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. There are over 58000 rocky objects in ______space,about 900 of which could fall down onto ______ earth.
  A. the; the          B. /; the            C. the; /           D. a; the
  2. —How can I use this MP5?
  —Well, just refer to the ________.    
  A. directions       B. explanations      C. expressions      D. introductions
  3. More than 100 students have entered for the competition and_______ gains the most points will be the winner.
  A. anyone   B. the one    C. that       D. whoever
  4. Little _______ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.
  A. did Rose care       B. Rose did care      C. Rose does care     D. does Rose care
  5. ______ providing entertainment, the website also turns out to be a helpful learning tool.
  A. Far from        B. Apart from       C. Instead of         D. Regardless of
  6. In your _________, I would look for another job.     
  A. phenomenon     B. situation         C. condition         D. direction
  7. GM, Chrysler and Ford expressed their desire that they ________ in want of a $25 billion    government aid to pull through the financial crisis.
  A. were           B. would be         C. be               D. ought to be
  8. —What's the matter with the man hanging his head there?
  —Well,if you ________ know, he was caught stealing my bike.
  A. must           B. may             C. can              D. shall
  9. The well-dressed gentleman pretends to be a millionaire ______ in fact he hasn’t a penny to his name.
  A. unless         B. while         C. since           D.before
  10. —Why do you look so worried?
  —My computer broke down and my essay ______ unfinished since.
  A. had left      B. has left      C. was left        D. has been left
  11. He is the first person you can think of to rely on, for he is always willing to ________ whoever
  is in trouble.
  A. cut out          B. figure out        C. test out            D. help out
  12. —I’m driving to Beijing after breakfast. 
  —Take care, ______ with all this fog.
  A. especially     B. mainly      C. extremely       D. really
  13.The film “Let the Bullets Fly”______ a great success and ______ a large profit to the cinema.[来
  A. appreciated; took up         B. enjoyed; brought in 
  C. won; accounted for          D. seized; cut down
  14.______ the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top.
  A. Having accustomed to climb     B. Having accustomed to climbing
  C . Accustomed to climb      D. Accustomed to climbing
  15. On hearing the news, the girl rushed out without hesitation, ______ the l uggage ______ on the floor, and ______ in the dark.
  A. left, lied, disappeared                   B. leaving, lying, disappeared
  C. leaving, lie, disappeared                 D. left, lay, disappear
  16.Tom looked at Jenny, with tears filling his eyes, and shouted out the words ______ in his heart for years.
  A. hiding      B. hidden          C. to hide           D. to be hidden
  17. ______ seems to be no possibility ______ the shy girl can win the first prize in the contest.
  A. There; that       B. It; that          C. There; whether     D. It; whether
  18. The small mountain village ______ we spent our holiday last month lies in ______ is now part of Hubei.
  A. which; where     B. where; what     C. that; which         D. when; which
  19. I try to understand ______ that prevents so many Chinese from being as happy as one might  expect.
  A. why is it      B. what is it       C. why it is         D. what it is
  20. —I’m thinking of the driving test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.
  —_____! I’m sure you’ll make it.
  A. Go ahead        B. Good luck      C. No matter           D. Cheer up
  Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with. I was hoping to have a   21   the summer before my busy senior year, but my mother asked me to do her a   22  . One of her colleagues needed a full-time   23  . “You planned to volunteer at the local hospital, why not volunteer to   24   Nick instead?”Then she told me that this six-year-old boy was not a   25   child.
  Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many disorders. Normal day-care centres would not   26   him. As a baby, he had serious ear infections which left him with equilibrium (平衡) problems. He couldn’t   27   or run properly. I was hesitating (犹豫)   28   I was to take the job when my mother   29  , “Don’t you want to be a nurse in the future? I doubt if you even have the   30  .”
  Then I told her I was   31   for the job.
  The day started at 7:00 a.m. Nick was my wap call! With so much energy and very little   32  , he was quite a mix.

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