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  • 更新时间: 2012/11/24 9:10:00
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  I. 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑
  1. ---Do you want to come to tonight’s party?
  A. Not particul arly.  B. Not often   C. Not to mention it D. Not exactly 
  2. Mo Yan is the first native Chinese writer to win _______ 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature in _______ modern Chinese history
  A. a; the    B. a; a    C. t he; the   D. the;不填
  3. This year's _______ for AIDS education probably won't be much higher because of tight finances.
  A. welfare    B. project    C. budget   D. reward
  4. 80% of the audience in the stadium _______astonished when the singer fell off the stage.
  A. is     B. were    C. was    D. are
  5. Each child's character is_______, so the club has made different training for them.
  A. unique     B. outstanding   C. independent  D. sensitive
  6. You _______find it unbelievable, but A Bite of China has become the hottest TV program in China.
  A. can     B. will    C. may    D. must
  7. With everything needed_______, Mrs. Jackson went to the supermarket after work in a hurry.
  A. buying    B. to buy    C. bought    D. buy
  8. A health specialist  claims the bean has magic power, and that is _______ the public are doubtful.
  A. what             B. that            C. why            D. where
  9. The monkey_______ in the tree when the branch broke off.
  A. was swinging   B. had been swinging C. had swung   D. swung
  10. We had intended to complete the decoration; it didn’t _______as expected, though.
  A. pick up    B. wort   C. set off    D. turn up
  11. The company is going to start a campaign, _______ it at promoting its new products.
  A. aimed     B. to aim    C. aiming    D. having aimed
  12. In western countries, Christmas is the best  occasion_______ the folks get together.
  A. where     B. that    C. which    D. when
  13. If the flight_______ earlier, Mr. Robert would have attended the opening ceremony.
  A. had arrived    B. were to arrive  C. arrived    D. arrives
  14. It is common practice for a mall to have_______ designed access for the disabled.
  A. especially    B. actually   C. specially   D. cautiously
  15. Our manager might return from abroad the coming weet nobody_______ able to finish our task by then.
  A. has been     B. will have been  C. had been   D. was
  16. Miss Gina won't in class - _______, it's hardly your fault.
  A. Therefore    B. Instead   C. However   D. Besides
  17. _______ I accept Tim is a very able man, he is unfit for the profession.
  A. While     B. Once    C. As    D. Unless
  18. When I phoned Mary to say that she had passed the interview, she screamed _______ the
  phone in an excited voice.
  A. in     B. through   C. on    D. beyond
  19. Those who can ________ difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.
  A. avoid     B. overcome   C. cause    D. experience
  20. --- Watch the water in the kettle before it boils over.
  A. My pleasure   B. Don’t bother  C. Made it   D. Got it
  II. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  Today my daughter and I set out on one of our kindness missions. A while back we did some __21___ drops of envelopes filled with a dollar, Smile cards, and a note asking them to pay it forward. Today we tried a ___22___ experiment and it was my little  6 –year- old- daughter’s idea.
  We put a different spin on it this time. She wanted to ___23___ people open them, as last time we loved the few we did see. So this time when we left a(n) ___24__, we watched from somewhere nearby. We made sure to only leave  them wh en we couldn’t be caught.
  Someone grabbed the first one and walked off. We only ___25___ them for a bit and then thought it best to move on to our next “___26___”. The second one we sat across from and watched. It was a ___27___ who found it. The skeptical husband ___28___ for sure it was a joke and told his wife to take it to security. She didn’t ___29___ and we laughed as we started walking away, still paying attention to her __30___. She smiled, read the  note, read the Smile cards and gave one of them to her husband.
  ____31__ I still have to work with little Rachel on being discrete though, as she stared the entire time. So much for a secret agent career __32___ she gets older!
  The third was our favorite. We were in the mall and ___33___ it on one of the tables in a sitting area. Then we took the escalator and watched from above. Soon a man and a woman ___34___ a stroller stopped to rest. She ___35___ the envelope, loond trying to see who __3

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