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  • 更新时间: 2012/11/25 17:22:51
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  从A B C D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处地最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  1. ----Shall we have a discussion about how to spend the coming summer ho liday?
  A. You are right.        B. Don’t bother me!  
  C. That sounds great        D. Have a good time!
  2. No one can deny ____ fact that Huangyan Island has been _____ part of Chinese territory since ancient times.
  A. the;/   B. a;/   C. the;the   D. a:the
  3. James Cameron was invited to give a short speech ______ he said he was amazed at the   two weeks’Titanic 3D’s box office in China.
  A. when       B. where     C. that       D. which
  4. ----Tom should have been warned not to cheat in the exam.
  ----_______, but he wouldn’t listen to me.
  A. So he had      B. So had he  C. So was he   D. So he was
  5. With recent permission from Chinese government, Japan has become the first country ______ huge sums of Chinese government bond(债券).
  A. allows to buy         B. to allow to buy  
  C. to be allowed to buy     D. to be allowed buying
  6. Most parents __________ a wait-and-see attitude about the boys-only experimental classes at a high school in Shanghai, which has just finished its application period.
  A. take    B. are taking  C. have taken   D. will take
  7. The European Union has been hit by the debt crisis one time after another, __________ in great panic.
  A. neither resulting  B. either results C. none resulted     D. each resulting
  8. China said that talks scheduled for later this week in Baghdad can help resolve the Iranian nuclear dispute as well as _________ peace and stability in the region.
  A. promote     B. process     C. grow           D. distribute
  9. Fame is often _______ a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
  A. particularly   B. rather   C. simply    D. anyway
  10. We stayed in a quiet hotel, ___________.
  A. next to it was a thick wood    B. next to which a thick wood was
  C. next to it there was a thick wood  D. next to which was a thick wood
  11. According to the regulations of our company, everybody is to be taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a ____ member of staff.
  A. temporary B. instant  C. permanent  D. consistent
  12. I am afraid we cannot include the item you suggest, as it does not ____ with the rest of the program.
  A. fit in B. p C. get on  D. come down
  13. The head-teacher will give the flower to _________ he thinks has a strong sense of duty in the management of the class.
  A. anyone            B. whoever C. whomever D. who
  14. Despite the fact that his words often fail to _____ when he sings, Jay Zhou enjoys a very large number of admires in the mainland.
  A. get through   B. get out   C. get across   D. get over
  15. In order not to get disturbed,I spent three hours locked in my study,_____ the next day's interview.
  A. in preparation for B. in anxiety for C. in exchange for  D. in answer for
  16. The Philippine government wanted to ___________ other countries around the South China Sea in the matter of its conflict _______China at sea near China's Huangyan Island, but none responded.
  A. concern; with     B. involve; with C. consult; over   D. employ; in
  17. The French Revolution was successful in______ society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly ______ in Europe.
  A. freeing; that     B. freeing; ones C. ridding; the one   D. ridding; those
  18. ----What happened to Mr. Smith?
  ----He was attacked for having put his _________ to the deal, which caused a great loss to the company.
  A. signal        B. sight   C. signature       D. sign
  19. No student _________ go out of the school campus after 10:00 at night without permission according to the school regulations.
  A. shall         B. must         C. would          D. should
  20. After a continuous 6 defeats, in the eyes of many people, the New York Knicks player Lin Shuhao was no longer ______ they had thought of.
  A. as better a player as      B. as good a player as
  C. as a good player as       D. as a player good as

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