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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/28 14:19:43
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. 时间120分钟,满分150分。
  2. 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,第I卷第1-4页,第II卷第5页。第I卷答案填涂在答题卡上,任务型阅读及第II卷答案直接写在答题卷内,交卷时只交答题卡和答题卷。
  1. What is the sign the woman referred to?
  A. No Parking.        B. No Smoking.          C. No Spitting.
  2. What is the man?
  A. A waiter.           B. An office clerk.         C. A chemist.
  3. What is Mr. Johnson’s problem?
  A. He is too tired to open the door.  
  B. He can’t open the door himself.  
  C. He can’t close the door himself.
  4. What are the two speakers probably going to do?
  A. Talk with Tom about his study.  
  B. Study math with Tom.  
  C. Ask Tom to be their tutor.
  5. Where was the man last night?
  A. In his office.        B. In Mary’s home.         C. In a cinema.
  6. What does the woman ask the man to do?
  A. Put something in the kitchen.  
  B. Look into the refrigerator.  
  C. Prepare a meal.
  7. What will they do after the cup of coffee?
  A. Go shopping.         B. Make some cake.        C. Have some food.
  8. What’s the woman’s job?
  A. She’s a reporter.     B. She’s an educational expert.   C. She’s a designer.
  9. What is “Word Up”?
  A. A TV program.  
  B. A popular game for learning English.  
  C. A board game used to relax when learning English.
  10. When did David Brown start teaching English?
  A. 14 years ago.         B. 40 years ago.            C. 4 years ago.
  11. What does the man want the woman to do?
  A. To read.       
  B. To turn down the record play er.  
  C. To lend him the record player.
  12. Does the man like the woman singer’s songs?
  A. Yes, he does.         B. No, he doesn’t.          C. We don’t know.
  13. What’s special about the song?
  A. It’s very famous in New York.
  B. It won all the musical prizes.
  C. The lyrics of the song.
  14. In which department is the woman likel y to work?
  A. Production department.  B. Sales department.      C. Marketing department.
  15. What’s the special requirement for the job?
  A. Having work experience.  
  B. Working on weekends.    
  C. Having good communication skills.
  16. How long does it take the woman to get to the company?
  A. 15 minutes.          B. 30 minutes.             C. 45 minutes.
  17. Where was Mr. Brown’s shop located?
  A. In the main street of a small town.
  B. In a small street of a small town.
  C. Near a department store of a small town.
  18. What happened to the shop one day?
  A. The shop closed.
  B. The shop was on fire.
  C. The shop was broken into by someone.

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