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  • 更新时间: 2012/4/8 22:54:50
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第一部分:单项选择(共15小题, 满分15分)
  1. —Jane, which color do you prefer, red or blue?
  —______. I prefer to buy a green one.
  A. Either will be OK       B. Both will be OK        
  C. To be honest, neither  D. Generally, I’m not sure
  2. Now that smoking _____ great harm to you and people around you, you might as well _____.
  A. does; give it up        B. does; give it in
  C. makes; give it up        D. makes; give it in
  3. They moved to the country _____ their children could have a garden to play in.
  A. even if   B. as if    C. as soon as    D. so that
  4. I think she would _____ it if we could all help out a bit more.
  A. thank     B. appreciate     C. employ      D. use
  5. When the woman saw that her son was OK after the car accident, she said _____, “Well, dear, you are the most important for me, not the expensive car. ”
  A. in peace     B. in danger   C. in surprise    D. in relief
  6. Special attention should be _____ to air pollution wherever the factory will be built.
  A. made   B. paid      C. taken    D. sent
  7. If George keeps on working so hard, he’ll ______ sooner or later.
  A. break down    B. break up  C. breat    D. break off
  8. She doesn’t care about what others think; She’s not at all ______ to other people’s feelings.
  A. common  B. sensitive  C. peaceful   D. painful
  9. When his mother came in, the boy pretended ______.
  A. reading    B. being read       C. to read     D. to be reading
  10. On the graduation day, he received from his father a nice present ______ a note was attached, saying “I’m proud of you.”
  A. on which  B. to which   C. with which    D. in which
  11.Though Tom was impolite to the new teacher,she ________him his rudeness.
  A.excused     B.apologized
  C.forgave     D.punished
  12.The letter he had been looking forward to ________at last this morning.
  A.come  B.comes     C.coming   D.came
  13.It has been announced recently that all the schools ________not have the students attend school if the students have high temperatures.
  A.need  B.shall     C.could  D.ought to
  14. When Premier Zhou Enlai was alive,he ________work from morning until night every day,dealing with numerous affairs.
  A.would   B.could  C.must   D.might

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