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  英 语 试 题
  第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)
  1.—I hear you're moving abroad, John.
  —_______.My father is going to settle clown to a permanent job in Spain.
  A.Of course               B.That's right          
  C.Don't mention it     D.That is all right
  2.In many countries, ________ good education is regarded as ________ ticket to success in the future.
  A.不填; 不填      B.a; a       C.the; the            D.the; a
  3.The South Pole is a key area which influences global climate and _______ any damage to it will cause global change.
  A.instantly                 B.constantly         
  C.consequently         D.frequently
  4.If you ________ China Daily, it'll be delivered to your door every day.
  A.lead to                  B.subscribe to        
  C.apply to             D.stick to
  5.Social Media, from microblogs to networking sites, have become platforms_______ people are free to share their opinions, values and experiences.
  A.when         B.where        C.how                D.which
  6.Ever since the old couple moved to the lake area a year ago, they ________ better health.
  A.had enjoyed             B.have been enjoying  
  C.are enjoying         D.could have enjoyed
  7.Many parents can _______ unpleasant behavior from their children while they will not tolerate any from others.
  A.put up                 B.put away          
  C.put up with         D.put forward
  8.—How did your interview go, Michael?
  —I ________ feel better about it.The questions were fair, and I seemed to find a perfect answer to each of them.
  A.should           B.couldn't       C.might not           D.must
  9.________ many people may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether they would equally enjoy reading about themselves.
  A.If        B.As                 C.Though       D.When
  10.The parents of the injured child don't want to talt the accident; now they are in no to do so.
  A.mood          B.feeling              C.emotion          D.attitude
  11.British students are looking to the USA when it comes to choosing a college, _______ the increasing expense at their, own universities.

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