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  • 更新时间: 2012/3/5 19:56:38
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  高一英语  试题卷 
  满分[100] 分 ,时间[90]分钟     
  I. Multiple choice 10%
  Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
  1. I don’ understand what the engineer means, but I’ve got _____ rough idea of ____ project plan.
  A. the ; a         B. / ; the       C. the ; /      D. a ; the
  2. ________ seems no need to wait any longer. Chances are that they won’t turn up.
  A. It          B. He          C. There      D. That
  3. ---I would liy an expensive camera.
  ---Well, there are several models _______________ in that shop.
  A. to be chosen from     B. to choose      C. to choose from     D. for choosing
  4. Is there a shop around _________ I can get some fruit?
  A. which        B. where     C. that       D. at which
  5. ---How did you find your sister in such a big and strange city?
  ---I ____ her in the railway station when I was looking for the police for help .
  A. came about          B. came out         C. came up           D. came across
  6. Nowadays many parents buy flats beside key school in order to have their children __________.
  A. better educated     B. to be well educated    C. receive well education      D. better education
  7. I don’t remember how many years ago _________ I last walked along this river.
  A. it is that           B. was it that        C. it was that          D. is it that
  8. If the children are badly ____ , they behave badly.
  A. brought in        B. brought up        C. brought about     D. brought back
  9. Everyone here will thank the firefighters for the things they have done to prevent fires _________ the environment safer.
  A. make           B. to making     C. to make           D. from making
  10.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the school, most ____ were from Germany.
  A. study; of whom     B. study; of them   C. studying; of them     D. studying; of w

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