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  • 更新时间: 2012/3/5 17:36:46
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.—Why are those people gathering in the middle of the street?
  —I don't know.There ______ be an accident.
  A.must             B.would            C.can           D.might
  2.Parachute kids are children sent to a new country to live alone or with a caregiver, ______their parents remain in their home country.
  A.for        B.otherwise         C.while        D.when
  3.--Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?
  --        , I do. I think it's a great idea.
  A. Especially           B. Obviously        C. Actually         D. Generally
  4.According to a recent survey, homework is ______ students most often blame for their lack of sleep.
  A.what             B.that            C.which           D.why
  5._________economic, political and cultural differences, it is difficult for China and America to fully understand each other.
  A.In spite of      B.Regardless of   C.On account of    D.In favor of
  6.Our ______resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here.
  A. attractive   B. abundant  C. available   D. authentic
  7.The local government expressed their thanks for the aid they ______ these days.
  A.would receive      B.are receiving       C.have received    D.had received
  8.Officials said that they were allowed to leave under a pre-arranged plan but would not say______ they were headed.
  A.where      B.when             C.what            D.that
  9. —I wouldn’t like to go out with you. I’m so tired.
  — ______ .You promised to go out for a drive.
  A. Really?     B. Not at all.  C. Come on!      D. No matter. 
  10. The British government often says that providing children with ______ to the information superhighway is of great importance.
  A. prevention      B. protection        C. allowance        D. access
  11.Duncan, ______ NBA star, is one of _______ few football players who are very popular to many of his Chinese fans.
  A. an; the          B. an; a            C. the; the         D. the; a
  12. —Are you still very busy?
  — Yes, I ______ the report for the manager and it won’t take long.
  A. have just finished                  B. am just finishing
  C. had just finished                   D. am just going to finish
  13. The young man, ______ several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping, decided to have another try.
  A. to make         B. making            C. made             D. having made
  14. During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tall buildings went up ______ old shabby houses were torn down.
  A. where           B. in what          C. in which          D. which
  15. It was his ________ he made at the conference that left me wondering about his real purpose.
  A. marks   B. remarks  C. symbols  D. signs
  16. Try to spend your time just on the things you find_________.
  A. worthing doing them           B. worth being done
  C. worthy to being done           D. worthy of being done
  17. Jack went to college last year and left his parents ,____________ to return home until he achieves his goal.
  A. determining not   B. not det

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