《Growing pains》学案1

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  Unit 2 Growing pains学案
  一. 教学内容:
  Unit 2  Growing pains
  二. 教学目标:
  三. 教学重难点:介词+关系代词形式的定语从句,关系副词引导的定语从句
  1. Mr Zhou is a good teacher. I learned a lot from him.
  Mr Zhou is a good teacher from whom I learned a lot.
  2. I left my wallet in the taxi. I came here in the taxi.
  I left my wallet in the taxi in which I came here.
  3. Basketball is George’s favorite sport. He spent much time on the sport.
  Basketball is George’s favorite sport on which he spent much time.
  4. My pencil is broken. I often write homework with the pencil.
  My pencil with which I often write homework is broken.
  5. We thought you were an adult. We could expect good decisions from an adult.
  We thought you were an adult from whom we could expect good decisions.
  1. The foreign student is from Manchester __________ which he was born.
  A. in  B. on   C. from   D. at
  介词填空关键是看从句中应用何介词。 把先行词Manchester带入从句中形成完整的句子,应为:he was born in Manchester,介词in提前,此句就为The foreign student is from Manchester in which he was born. 所以应选A。
  2. In the dark street, there wasn't a single person ____she could turn for help. (MET92)
  A. that  B. who  C. from whom D. to whom
  定语从句为_______ she could turn for help, 用来修饰person, 将其带入从句中组成一个完整的句子,即 she could turn to the person for help, 所以用介词to, 选D。
  3. His glasses, ____he was like a blind man, were missing.
  A. with which B. with it  C. without which D. without it
  定语从句为____he was like a blind man,修饰先行词his glasses, 将其带入从句中组成一个完整的句子,即he was like a blind man without his glasses,意为“没有眼镜他什么也看不见”,所以用介词without, 选C。
  “of + which/whom”可用来限定名词、代词、 分数词、数词等。
  例:The 2 boys went to look for something to stand on. The taller of them could not reach the shelf.
  The 2 boys, the taller of whom could not reach the shelf, went to look for something to stand on.
  The old man has two daughters. Both of them are nurses.
  The old man has two daughters, both of whom are nurses.
  This is my house. The door of it faces the south.
  This is my house, the door of which faces the south.
  1. He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows, most of _______ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.
  A. these    B. those    C. that    D. which  
  还原成两句:He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows.
  Most of them hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.这里的them指前文出现的windows.把它们连接起来,就成了He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows,,most of which hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year. 选D。

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