《Growing pains》学案

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  Unit 2 Growing pains学案
  一. 教学内容:
  Unit 2  Growing Pains
  二. 教学目标:掌握Unit 2语法定语从句
  三. 教学重难点:复习介词+关系代词引导的定语从句
  Great changes are taking place in the city _________ they live.
  The film __________ I’m speaking is to be shown at the People’s Cinema next week.
  This is the teacher _________ we’ve learnt a lot.
  The policeman _________ Mr Henry is talking in the office is a friend of mine.
  1. Shanghai is the city _______ I first visited in China.
  Shanghai is the city _______ I began my first job.
  Shanghai is the city _______ greatly attracts me.
  2. This is the family _______ I was treated well.
  This is the family _______ helped me a lot.
  3. Do you know the reason _______ he is late for school?
  Do you know the reason _______ he gave to you for his being late is false?
  4. I can still remember the sitting-room ____my mother and I used to sit in the evening. (MET 86 )
  A. what   B. which  C. that  D. where
  答案:D 首先找到定语从句,____my mother and I used to sit in the evening,修饰the sitting room, 将先行词带入从句中形成一个完整的句子:my mother and I used to sit in the sitting room in the evening, 所以这里应该为in which=where。
  但我们也可以用另一种简便的模式,即:找到定语从句,____my mother and I used to sit in the evening,然后看定语从句是否已经是完整的句子,如果已经是完整的句子,那么用关系副词,时间用when,地点用where, 原因用why; 如果不完整,那么就用关系代词,人用who/whom, 物用which, 最后再看that。
  5. Do you know the reason _____he was late?
  A. that      B. which      C. for what     D. for which
  答案:D reason固定与介词for搭配,介词不可省略,所以选D。
  6. After graduation we should go to the place ______ our Party needs us most.
  A. where    B. in which     C. that      D. which
  7. Have you ever asked him the reason ______ may explain his being late?
  A. why     B. that     C. for which     D. what
  答案:B 注意与第五题区别。这里关系词在句子中做主语,the reason may explain his being late,所以选B而不选A。
  8. The factory ____his mother works is in the east of the city.  
  A. what  B. which  C. on which  D. where
  答案:D找到定语从句,____his mother works,句子已经完整,用关系副词,地点用where。选D。
  9. The taxi ________ I usually took to my office was destroyed in a traffic accident.
  A. in which  B. by which    C. which   D. with which
  答案:C 找到定语从句,________ I usually took to my office 句子不完整,可改为I usually took the taxi to my office,用关系代词,选C。
  10. I’ll show you a store ____you may buy all ____ you need.
  A. in which, /    B. where, which    C. which , that      D. that ,that
  答案:A这里有两个定语从句,从句中又套从句。第一个是_______ you may buy all______ you need,其中______ you need又作为定语从句修饰all. 先行词为all,所以只能用关系词that而不能用which,关系词在句中作宾语,可省略;第一个空buy sth in the store, 所以此时应为in which,或用关系副词where代替。所以选A。

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