《Growing pains》ppt23

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Unit 2 Growing painsppt
Unit 2 Growing pains基础经典习题doc
Unit 2 Growing pains课前热身doc
Unit 2 Growing pains限时规范训练doc

  1.The only ________ (explain) for his behavior is that he is mad.
  2.He bought me a ________ (value) diamond ring as a birthday present.
  3.The ________ lecture made me feel so ________ (bore).
  4.You are all ________ (forbid) to leave.
  5.He was sent to his room as a ________ (punish).
  6.Anyone ________ (interest) in joining the club should contact us at the address below.
  7.They ________ (behavior) very badly towards their guests.
  8.You’d better submit your claim within a ________ (reason) time.
  9.We welcome any comments and ________ (suggest) on these proposals.
  10.The population almost doubles in summer,________ (main) because of the jazz festival.
  答案:1.explanation 2.valuable 3.boring;bored  4.forbidden 5.punishment 6.interested 7.behaved  8.reasonable 9.suggestions 10.mainly
  1.They don’t deserve to know the truth.
  →They ________ ________ ________ ________ know the truth.
  2.Eric runs in after it,followed by a dog,walking very slowly.
  →Eric runs in after it,followed by a dog,________ ________ very slowly.
  3.I don’t know the reason why the house is so dirty.
  →I don’t know the reason ________ ________ the house is so dirty.
  4.This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished.
  →This is not a family ________ ________ bad  behavior ________ ________ ________.
  5.Now that he has been so rude to us,I feel we have to punish him if he doesn’t respect us.
  →________ he has been so rude to us,we feel like ________ him ________he respects us.
  6.What did you do with the money we left?
  →________ did you ________ ________the money ________ we left?
  答案:1.are not supposed to 2.which walks 3.for which  4.in which,is not punished 
  5.Since;punishing;unless  6.How;deal with;that/which
  1.鲁迅本该是当医生的,但是他却成了一位著名的作家。(be supposed to)
  2.当我们外出时,我们托付邻居照顾我们的宠物狗。(in the charge of)
  3.你绝对不是他的对手。(no match for)
  4.他们虽然碰到了困难,但他们终究还是成功了。(after all)
  5.这动物走路的样子好像腿受伤了似的。(as if)
  1.Lu Xun was supposed to have been a doctor,but be became a famous writer.
  2.We left our dog in the charge of our neighbour while we were away.

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