《Growing Pains》教案1

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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/23 22:37:31
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  Growing Pains全单元教案
    Period 1 Welcome to this unit.doc
    Period 2 Reading 1.doc
    Period 3 Reading 2.doc
    Period 4 Word Power.doc
    Period 5 Grammar and usage.doc
    Period 6 Task 1.doc
    Period 7 Task 2.doc
    Period 8 Task 3.doc
    Period 9 Project 1.doc
    Period 10 Project 2.doc
  Teaching plan for Unit 2 Growing Pains
  Period 1        
  Welcome to this unit
  Teaching objectives:
  To introduce and develop the theme of growing pains.
  To develop speaking ability by talking about families and problems that happen between teenagers and parents.
  To know more about classmates and their families.
  Important and difficult points:
  Get students to understand what growing pains means.
  Madents know the relationship between parents and their teenage children in the USA.
  Help students to form a positive attitude towards relationships between their parents and them.
  Teaching procedures:
  Step 1 lead-in
  Present family albums:
  In this part, Ss are encouraged to say something about their families by showing the class pictures with their parents.
  Who may have growing pains?
  What are Growing pains?
  When do they probably have growing pains?
  Teaching plan for Unit 2 Growing Pains
  Period 5   
  Grammar and usage
  Teaching objectives:
  To learn how to use a preposition + which/whom to begin an attributive clause and how to use relative adverbs in attributive clauses
  Important and difficult points:
  How to choose suitable prepositions in an attributive clause.
  Teaching procedures:
  Step 1. Revision
  HW checnderstanding some colloquialisms
  Step 2. Grammar and Usage
  Preposition +which and preposition +whom
  Read point1 and mare students know when to use attributive clause with preposition.
  The pen is broken, so I’ll have to buy a new one. I write my homework with it every day
  The pen with which I write my homework every day is broken, so I’ll have to buy a new one.
  The man is over eighty. I bought the old picture for him.
  The man for whom I bought the old picture is over eighty .
  Read point 2, get them to write the sentences in formal English.
  The Maths teacher is the person from whom I got an A plus.
  Art is the subject about which I know little.
  Read point 3 and 4,and ask them to write the sentences in different ways.
  Teaching plan for Unit 2 Growing Pains
  Period 10            
  Project 2 
  Project: writing an advice letter
  Teaching objectives:
  To help students improve English through doing a project.
  To cooperate by working together on the project.
  Important and difficult points:
  Writing an advice letter.
  Teaching procedures:
  Step 1  Lead-in 
  Tips you have to take into consideration:
  clear assignments
  give suggestions
  search for more information from different sources
  write an outline or make a draft
  proofread or peer revision
  in a logic and clear way
  Step 2  Planning
  Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for what tasks.
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