《Is he tall or short》学案

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  Unit 2 Topic 3 Is he tall or short?
  That’s right
  =You're right那是对的,你说的对。
  That’s OK = That’s all right不用谢
  You're OK
  = You're all right你很好呀。(指身体好)
  OK = All right好吧(表示同意,答应)
  look the same  看起来像(后不跟宾语)
  look different    看起来不一样(后不跟宾语)
  look like…  看起来像…(后须跟宾语)
  look at  +名词 看某物;
  look for +n 寻找某人/某物; 
  look after +n 照顾某人
  have different looks 
  = look different  
  有着不同的长相 (看起来不像) 【重点句型】
  1.What’s…and…?   …加…是什么?回答:It’s …
  例:What’s  two  and  five?  It’s seven.   2 加5 等于几?等于7。    
  2.What do/does + 某人 + look like ?  询问人的长相
  例:What does your English teacher look like ?
  He is thin and tall.他又瘦又高。
  3. What color be + 东西? 回答:It’s +颜色   或者  They’re + 颜色
  例:What color is your dress?   It’s  black.
  4. This bike is mine = This is my bike.  这个自行车是我的=这是我的自行车。
  5.I’m thirteen years old = I’m thirteen.
  6. Please help us find him.请帮我们找到他。
  7.What color are your pants? They’re black.
  1. 一般疑问句  (用yes, no 回答)
  ① 含BE动词句子的一般疑问句:  Eg: Are you/ they…? Yes, I am/ we are/ they are. 
  Is he/ she/ it…? Yes, he/she/ it is. No, he/ she/ it isn’t.  Am I …? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
  ② 不含BE动词句子的一般疑问句: Eg: Do you ….?    Yes, I/ we do. No, I/ we don’t.
  Does he/she…?  Yes, he/ she does. No, he/ she doesn’t.
  2.She has long hair.   hair 是不可数名词
  3. What does she look like?她长的什么样啊?
  4. Whose cap is it, then? It’s Sally’s. 名词所有格
  5. mine 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 mine=my cap
  1.描述长相:某人+ has/ have +( an /a ) +形容词+五官 = 某人的 五官 is / are + 形容词
  例:Lily has a small nose. = Lily’s nose is small.
  2.both 两者都; all 三者以上都.
  both 和 all放在be动词或情态动词后,行为动词前。(简称:Be后行前)  
  例: We  are  both  students.(are后)   
  We  both  have  black eyes.行为动词前) 
  We can both speak English.(情态动词后)
  3.   give sth to sb = give sb sth    把某物给某人;(注意:如果sth是it或them,只能用前者)
  例:give the book to me=give me the book把书给我

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