《Where's the library》教案

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  G7M3U2  Where's the library?
  Module three Unit 2 Where’s the library?
  教材分析:The topic of this unit is to talt our new school using “Where’s the …?” and “there be” sentence pattern to talt our new school.
  1、To understand we can use “Where’s the library? It’s next to the …”to talt our new school
  2、To learn the use of “there be” sentence pattern.
  3、Can talt our new school freely
  1、To learn the following vocabulary---gym, science, lab, in front of, next to, behind
  2、To learn the following structure: “Where’s the …?” and “there be”
  3、Can use the structure to talt our new school in pairs
  Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
  steps 1.Warming up Point to some classroom things and show some pictures of some school things (blackboard, dester, dictionary,classroom,library,office,science lab and dinning hall)
  Try to name the things and the buildings in English.(采用抢答的方式)
  2.In put Do you know any other school buildings? Can you write them down? Make a word map.
  What do you do in them ? Ask several students to answer. Write down the words about school buildings as many as possible, then choose out the best one in groups.
  Answer the teacher’s question as you like.
  3.Practice 1.Can you match the pictures and the places.
  2.Who is behind you? Can you tell me?
  3. Play the tape and ask the students to listen and answer two questions.
  Where is Betty? Where is Daming?
  4. Ask the students to read the passage one in activity two.
  5. Ask the students to Look at picture B and answer the questions.
  6. Tell your partner the position around you.
  Do activity one. Then check the answers.
  Answer the question according to the true life.
  Listen carefully and try to find the answers to the two questions
  Read the passage one in activity two
  Answer the questions according to picture B.
  Talt one student’s position  with the partner. Show conversations to the whole class.

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