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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/5 20:53:42
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  (时间:100分钟    总分:120 分)
  第 Ⅰ 卷(选择题 共55分)
  1. --- Have you got the e-mail I sent you this morning?
  --- I found an e-mail in my mailbox, but it wasn’t ______ you.
  A. from     B. for      C. about     D. with
  2. --- Listen! David is talking happily with his mother in the next room.
  --- It ______ be his mother. She has gone to Yunnan to be a volunteer doctor.
  A. should     B. must     C. can’t     D. mustn’t.
  3. --- Mr. Green, I think physics is too difficult for me.
  ---Tom, work hard, _______ you’ll find it not as difficult.
  A. or     B. but    C. so    D. and
  4. How can you study in the living room when other people are watching TV? I thin need a _______ place.
  A. cleaner     B. quieter     C. smaller    D. safer
  5. ---Jack, _______ have you been away from your hometown?
  ---Since the end of last February.
  A. how long   B. how soon     C. how far    D. how often
  6. ---Have you got _______ ready for the school trip? 
  ---Not yet. We still have _______ to do.
  A. anything; nothing       B. something; everything
  C. everything; something      D. something; anything
  7. He used to _______ in a village, but now he has been used to _______ in the big city.
  A. live; living            B. live; live       
  C. living; living        D. living; live
  8. --- How do you like the dishes, Eric?
  --- Fantastic! They taste _______.
  A. nicely   B. good    C. terrible   D. well
  9. --- Did you see a girl with an English book pass by just now?
  --- No, sir. I _______ a magazine.
  A. read `  B. am reading  C. would read  D. was reading
  10. --- Who will send you to the new school, your mom or your dad?
  --- _______. I’ll go there on a bus by myself.
  A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None
  11. --- Have you seen the movie The Giant Tangshan Earthquake?
  --- Yes, it’s well worth _______. It’s _______ moving that I’ve seen it twice.
  A. seeing; too B. to see; enough  C. seeing; so D. to see; such
  12. I wonder if he _______ this weekend. If he ______, I’ll let you know.
  A. will come; will come    B. will come; comes
  C. comes; comes      D. comes; will come
  13. ---Tree Planting Day is coming. Do you plant trees in spring?
  ---Yes, many trees ________ in our city every year.
  A. are planting B. are planted   C. were planted  D. will plant
  14. ---Excuse me, can you tell me _______?
  ---Sure. There’s a good restaurant on Renmin Road.
  A. where I can post letters         B. what movie I can see here
  C. if there’s a good place to eat in   D. how I get to the bus station
  15. --- What pleasant weather! Shall we go boating on the lake?
  --- _______.
  A. That’s right      B. Than very much
  C. It doesn’t matter     D. Sounds great

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