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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/5 20:39:06
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.Audrey Hepburn began taking ballet lessons at        very young age.
  A. a     B. an     C. the    D. /
  2.A big earthquake hit Japan        the afternoon of March, 11th,2011.
  A. in     B. on     C. at     D. by
  3.I can’t find my Mp5, but it must be        in my bedroom.
  A. somewhere   B. anywhere    C. nowhere   D. everywhere
  4.The museum        for eight hours every day and it        at 4:00 p.m.
  A. opens; closes  B. is open; is closed  C. is open; closes  D. opens; is closed
  5.—Who is Alice waiting for over there? —It        be Alice. She        abroad.
  A. mustn’t; has been B. mustn’t; has gone   C. can’t be; has been D. can’t; has gone
  6.—Time is money.
  —But I think time is        money. When money is spent, we can make more; but when time is gone, it never returns.
  A. as valuable as  B. less valuable than C. more valuable than D. the most valuable than
  7.Mother Teresa devoted all her life to        for the poor.
  A. care    B. cared   C. be cared   D. caring
  8.When the tsunami(海啸) came, Sam        to France, so he had a lucky escape.
  A. flied    B. flew   C. was flying   D. had fly
  9.— I’m afraid that you can’t take photos here. Look at the sign!
  — Sorry, I        notice it. Thanks for telling me.
  A. didn’t    B. haven’t   C. won’t    D. don’t
  10.Another two months will be needed before the new airport       .
  A. completes   B. is completed  C. will complete  D. will be completed
  11.The car exhibition was very       . The company received lots of order forms.
  A. harmful   B. successful   C. suitable   D. colourful
  12.—Do you know       ?  —I’m not sure, maybe he is an artist.
  A. who is the man  B. what is the man  C. who the man is  D. what the man is
  13.You may get lost easily in big cities like Beijing        you have a map or a guide.
  A. unless    B. if     C. when    D. until
  14.—You look so tired. —Yes. The loud noise upstairs stopped me        the whole night.
  A. slept    B. to sleep   C. fell asleep   D. falling asleep
  15.—We will finish the task very quickly if your team can help us.
  —That’s right.       .
  A. Early bird catches the worm.    B. Two heads are better than one.
  C. Many hands make light work.    D. Great minds think alike.
  In the past, large numbers of American people lise tomorrow’s money. However, since the economic depression(经济萧条), many have learnt to live  16 . Here is a true story about an American girl, Anna. After graduation, she began to live in Los Angeles on her own. She  17  a job in a publishing house(出版社) and earned  18  $30,000 a year. Her parents thought Anna’s life would be  19 , but Anna was able to live on her money and still  20  $5000 in the first year. How could she do so in  21  expensive city?
  Cheap living always starts with keeping the  22  cost small. For people, that  23  housing. So Anna chose to share a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was  24 . When she ate  25 , she went to cheap restaurants.  26  she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then took the chicken

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