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  • 更新时间: 2019/1/6 10:10:42
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  第一卷   选择题部分(60分)
  I. 词汇选择(15分)
  ⅰ. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分)
  (  ) 1. ---It’s very strange that she didn’t reply to our letter.
  ---Maybe she is busy at this moment.
  A. answer B. give out C. hear from
  (  ) 2. ---Moyan’s new novel will be published next month.
  ---I can’t wait to buy one to read.
  A. come out B.put out C. run out
  (  ) 3.  ---Please give me a hand to hang up this picture.
  ---No problem.
  A. give me your hand B. help me C. let me down
  (  ) 4.  ---One’s success depends on his hard work and wisdom.
  --- Wow, could you please teach me?
  A. is filled with B. is used as C. is decided by
  (  ) 5. ---We use water power in place of coal power in making electricity.
  --- Water power is clear and endless resource. We must mall use of it.
  A. instead B. instead of C. except for
  (  ) 6. --- I like reading very much and there are plenty of books on my bookshelf.
  ---We all r nickname is “book worm”.
  A. a great number of B. a large amount of C. a few
  (  ) 7. ---The young man is very rude and often loses his temper.
  ---We should stay away from this kind of person.
  A. gets annoyed B. feels lonely C. feels cheerful
  (  ) 8. --- In Shenzhen, the city center will be connected to all the districts by metro soon.
  --- Great, I’m proud of living in Shenzhen.
  A. closed to B. joined to.   C. added to
  ⅱ. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共7小题,每小题1分)
  (  ) 9.A ____is a plan that lists all the work that someone has to do and when he or she must do it.
  A. progress B. introduction       C. schedule
  (  ) 10.An ____means a picture, a set of words, or a film that is used to advertise a product or service.
  A. advertisement B. achievement C. experiment
  (  ) 11. --- Look at the sign “No Smoking”.
  ---Sorry, I’ll ____ my cigarette(香烟) at once.
  A. put up B. put out               C. put on
  (  ) 12. --- When the weather turns cold in autumn, what will _______?
  --- Leaves will turn brown and fall off the trees.
  A. take place               B.  tap                 C. take off
  (  ) 13. --- ____ the greenhouse effect, the Earth’s temperature is increasing.
  --- People are taking action to stop it.
  A. As a result of B. To a certain degree C. In the shape of
  (  ) 14.--- Mr. Lee, can you tell me your opinion on my speech?
  --- It’s awesome and ______.
  A. I was in the present B. it can’t be better C. it can’t be worse
  (  ) 15.---He is a man full of ____.
  ---I agree with you. People never feel ____ when staying with him.
  A. surprise; ashamed B. humour; embarrassed C. happiness; excited
  II. 完形填空(15分)
  Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came out. She pointed to something and asked Mike what it was. Mike felt very ___16___ , but he told her it was a sparrow (麻雀) and got back to reading.
  Several minutes later, his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same question again. Mike got a little angry but ___17___ answered her question. After a little while, his mother did the same thing once more. This time Mild not ___18___ his anger. He shouted at her for asking him the same thing again and again. The old lady silently ___19___ an old diary, turned to a page and showed it to Migh he was a little ___20___, Mike began to read it.
  “Today, I was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to a bird on the ___21___ and asked me what it was. I ___22___ at him, said it was a sparrow and kissed him. After a while, Mike asked me what it was again. I ___23___ answering his question and kissing him every time.”
  Something gently ___24___ Mike’s heart. His face turned red with ___25___ for being so impatient with his mother, and he hugged (拥抱) her tight. Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime, but you may not realize that until they are gone.
  (   ) 16. A. angry B. lonely     C. surprised
  (   ) 17. A. still B. always C. already
  (   ) 18. A. show     B. control C. discover
  (   ) 19. A. set out B. put out C. drew out
  (   ) 20. A. awkward     B. impatient C. joyful
  (   ) 21. A. grass B. square C. playground
  (   ) 22. A. laughed B. shouted C. smiled
  (   ) 23. A. continued         B. stopped C. tried
  (   ) 24. A. touched B. hit C. captured
  (   ) 25. A. interest B. happiness C. shame
  Ⅳ. 阅读理解(30分)
  A recent survey of 2,005 people by the China Youth Daily showed that 93.8% of the people joined the family WeChat group. Some people think that family groups can improve the relationship among family members, but others disagree about it. Would you like to join the family WeChat group?
  Xing Yuxi, 12, Chongqing
  I’d like to have a family group on WeChat. It’s important to have a good relationship with our family members. In the group, we often share photos, talt our work, school, or even entertainment freely. It is nice to communicate with people who know me well. Wang Wenyi, 12, Guangdong
  WeChat family groups can help us do lots of things. For example, if you have a big announcement to make to your family, you can just send a message to the group instead of telling each member separately. It can save much time.

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