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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/5 20:47:39
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  (时间:100分钟    总分:120 分)
  二、How will the girl go to school today?
  A                       B                          C
  三、What will Tommy do after getting home?
  A                         B                           C
  四、What will the weather be like tomorrow?
  A                           B                          C
  五、Where does the conversation probably take place?
  A                         B                            C
  六、What may the man do next?
  A. Go to the hotel       B. Ask another person      C. Get on a bus
  七、The woman doesn’t often clean the room, does she?
  A. Yes, she does        B. Yes, she doesn’t         C. No, she doesn’t
  八、Where are they probably talking?
  A. In a shop           B. At home                C. In a restaurant
  九、What is Tom’s mother’s job?
  A. She is a nurse       B. She is a doctor            C. She is an actress
  十、Does Mr. Liu think Mike can carry the boxes?
  A. No, he doesn’t        B. No, he can’t             C. Yes, he does
  十一、How much should the man pay for each ticket?
  A. 12 dollars            B. 8 dollars                C. 6 dollars
  第二部分  听对话和短文,回答问题
  十二、Why isn’t Peter’s father coming home for dinner?
  A. He’s tired after working all the morning
  B. He has to work for another eight hours.
  C. He’s busy helping the sick man now.
  十三、What does Peter’s father do?
  A. A policeman          B. A doctor             C. A firefighter
  十四、What happened to the girl?
  A. She fell off her bike.     B. She lost her bike       C. She hurt her neck.
  十五、What was wrong with the girl?
  A. She was crying for help   B. She couldn’t move    C. She hurt her leg badly
  十六、What was the speaker going to do for her?
  A. To telephone for help    B. To take her to the roadside   C. To take her to hospital
  十七、How many people are there in the story?
  A. Three             B. Four              C. Five
  十八、How much money did the old man pick up?
  A. Five dollars          B. Ten dollars          C. Fifty dollars
  十九、-----What did the short man see?  -----He said ______.
  A. He saw the money fall from the big man’s pocket.
  B. He saw the woman pick up the money.
  C. He saw the old man hide the money.
  二十、Why did the short man come out of his house?
  A. He wanted to catch the old man.      
  B. He wanted to help the woman
  C. He wanted to get his reward.
  二十一、Who was cheated(欺骗)?
  A. The short man         B. The pretty woman       C. The old man、

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