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  • 资源大小: 82 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/5 20:50:55
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  (时间:100分钟    总分:120 分)
  一、单项填空  在A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  1. This is _______ usual way of solving the problem. Can you think of ________ unusual way?
  A. a; a           B. a; an         C. an; an          D. an; a
  2. Some of the CDs belong to her, while the rest are ________.  
  A. my            B. your         C. his          D. our
  3. He ________ whether he will be able to win the tennis match. So he feels very nervous.
  A. believes        B. thinks         C. doubts          D. hopes
  4.  It’s so silly ________ people to buy and store so much salt. It’s necessary ________ them to learn more about salt.
  A. for; for        B. for; of         C. of; of          D. of; for
  5. The presentation of the Film Festival will be covered live tonight. It’s worth ________.
  A. watches        B. watch         C. watching     D. being watched
  6.  — You speak French so well. How long have you learned it? 
  — ________ I was fifteen.
  A. Until         B. Since         C. When          D. Before
  7. Chinese is becoming more and more popular. It ________ in many schools in foreign countries.
  A. teaches        B. is teaching     C. is taught      D. has taught
  8. — Kitty, there’s ________ cooking oil left in the kitchen. Would you please go to the supermarket and get ________?
  — Om. 
  A. little; some     B. little; any      C. few; some      D. few; any
  9.  Japan and other countries have taken action ________ prevent nuclear radiation (核辐射).
  A. in order     B. in the order of    C. in order to      D. in order that
  10. After the earthquake, many kind-hearted people did what they could ________ those who suffered from it.
  A. help         B. helping        C. to help          D. helped
  11.  — _________ has Liu Xiang taken part in world’s competitions of 110-metre hurdles?
  — I’ve no idea. Let’s find it out on the Internet.
  A. How often     B. How many times    C. How much time    D. How much
  12. Not only Susan but also Sandy _________ abroad for traveling. They will return next Sunday.
  A. has gone     B. have gone to     C. have been      D. has been to
  13. The boy isn’t old enough ________ with the difficult problem by himself.
  A. deal         B. deals            C. dealing         D. to deal
  14. — Excuse me, could you tell me ________ to fly to Guilin?
  — About two hours.
  A. how soon does it take                 B. how long it takes
  C. how long did it take                 D. how soon it took
  15. — Would you like to go hiking with us?
  — ________. I’m preparing for the coming exams.

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