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  • 资源类别: 通用 / 初中试卷 / 中考模拟试卷
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  • 资源大小: 507 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/4 0:13:46
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第Ⅰ卷( 选择题, 共60分)
  (    )1. After having a quick breakfast , the boy hurried to play _______ football instead of playing _______ piano.
  A. the,  the   B.  /, the           C. the , /          D. / , /
  (    )2. ---How many students can you see in the computer room? ---__________.
  A. Nothing     B. None      C. No one     D. Nobody
  (    ) 3. ---_____ can we get to the airport? The plane leaves at 3:00 p.m.
  ---Don’t worry. We’ll be there in ten minutes.
  A. How long        B. How soon        C. How far       D. How often
  (    ) 4. The little boy is only six years old, _____he can write novels all by himself.
  A. so           B. and           C. or         D. but
  (    ) 5. The teacher asked __________________________.
  A. where does she come from               B. if could she speak English
  C. whether can Lucy speak English       D. where she came from
  (    ) 6. ---There is somebody at the door. Who ______ it be? Is it the postman?
  ---No. It _______ be him .It’s just 7:00 o’clock. It’s too early.
  A. may, mustn’t    B. may, can’t     C. must, needn’t   D. can, may not
  (    ) 7. CCTV 1 always ________ the news at the quickest time.
  A. sends out      B. sends up      C. sends away     D. sends off
  (    ) 8.It’s crazy ______ him to be so strict ______ his work
  A. about, in        B. of , with     C. of, in       D. about, with
  (    ) 9. Lucy has many problems these days and she doesn’t know ________.
  A. What to do them                   B. how to do them
  C. What to do with it                 D. how to deal with them
  (    )10.While I ______ a novel, someone _______ at the door.
  A. read, was knocking               B. read, knocked  
  C. was reading, knocked              D. was reading, was knocking
  (    )11. Do you know how long it______ him to finish his homework every day?
  A. costs        B. spends        C. takes          D. pays
  (    )12. _______carefully you write, _______ mista’ll make.
  A. The more, the fewer         B. The less, the fewer
  C. The less, the more           D. The more, the less
  (    )13.They are _______ little sheep ______ they should be looked after well.
  A. so… that    B. such …. that     C. too… to      D. too… that

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