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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/12 12:03:13
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  英 语 试 卷
  第I 卷(共80分)
  1. Camping in the wild nowadays is considered as    wonderful way to experience    natural world.
  A.the; the B.a; a C.a; the D.the;/
  2.—Next week I will go to London on business.
  —Don’t forget to ask Ann for her address    you have time to see her.
  A.even if B.in case C.so that D.so long as
  3.—Is he the teacher you often refer to?
  —Right, just the one from    you know I have learnt a lot.
  A.whom B.him C.that D.who
  4. After the disaster, the first thing the local government did was to provide _____   for the homeless families.
  A. occupation         B. accommodation       C. equipment          D. furniture
  5.—I just wonder why you didn’t answer my phone.
  —I’m sorry, but I     a meeting then.
  A.had B.was having C.had had D.had been having
  6.As every country wants to develop fast, the overuse of nature energy has become a(n)   
  A.frequent B.sensitive C.immediate D.universal
  7.Much of his words really sounded funny.    , there was some truth in what he said.
  A.Above all B.As a result C.All the same D.In a word
  8.When first    to him, I found it would not be easy to get along with him.
  A.introduced B.introducing C.being introduced D.having introduced
  9.—I went to Beijing for an important meeting last week.
  —Is that    you had a few days off?
  A.why B.when C.what D.how
  10.—If he    he would not have swum there.
  —Luckily he was seen in time and sent to hospital immediately.
  A.was warned  B.had been warned
  C.would be warned  D.would have been warned
  11.We must set up an education system which is more    to the needs of the students.
  A.necessary B.attractive C.appropriate D.convenient
  12.Rainforests have a great effect on the world environment because they can    heat from the sun and adjust the climate.
  A.tap B.take away C.take over D.take in
  13.—Oh, what a lovely necklace you’re wearing!
  —     It’s a birthday gift from my father.
  A.That’s right.  B.Do you really think so?
  C.I’m glad you like it. D.Never mention it.

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