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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/28 13:59:39
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  第一部分 英语知识运用(共三节 满分50分)
  第一节 语音知识 (共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
  1 glare          A  stare            B nearby       C are            D earth
  2 pull           A  puzzle          B bush         C busy           D mutton
  3 measure       A  ahead           B steak         C scream        D eastward
  4 passage       A  rag             B phrase        C manner        D baggage
  5 change       A stomach           B teach         C machine       D school
  第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  6 ---Would you permit me _______ here?
  ---Sorry.We don’t permit ________ in the library.
  A smoking;smoking     B to smoke; to smoke    C smoking; to smoke    D to smoke;smoking
  7 A modern city has been set up in ______ was a wasteland ten years ago.
  A what          B which           C that            D where
  8 It is rude ____you _____ with your mouth full.
  A of; to talk      B for; to talk        C of; talking      D for;talking
  9 From her _______ look, we could see the girl was ______ of the stranger.
  A terrified; terrified    B terrifying; terrifying  C terrifying; terrified   D terrified; terrfying
  10 Word came ______ the sports meeting would be put off.
  A  that            B which              C. when             D how
  11. Some policemen were sent there to ________ the villagers _________ down the trees.
  A. tting     B. prevent; cutting      C. prevent; to cut      D. stop; to cut
  12. -----Don’t mind if I open the window?
  A No, you can’t      B Yes, of course not       C Certainly, please     D No, go ahead
  13 -----Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?
  ------Oh, that’s ___________.
  A.what makes me feel excited          B whatever I feel excited about  
  C  how I feel about it             D when I feel excited
  14. Do you know the boy _____ under the big tree?  A lay    B. lain   C. laying  D. lying
  15. He has ____ for language, while his sister is a ____ pianist.
  A gift, gifted      B a gift; gifted      C. a present; gifted      D. a gift; gift

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