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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/25 15:45:37
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  高一英语  试题卷 
  命题:唐雪君     审题: 盛敏     
  满分[ 100]分 ,时间[120]分钟            2011年4月
  第一部分: 听力(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)
  1. What is the man doing?
  A. He is giving a suggestion.  B. He is making an apology.  C. He is making an excuse.
  2. What is the speed now?
  A.55 miles per hour.    B.70 miles per hour.   C. 105 miles per hour.
  3. What is the woman doing?
  A. Making a pair of trousers.  B.Trying on clothes.   C.Leaving a message.
  4. How many people are having the meal?
  A. Two.              B. Three.             C. Four.
  5. What does the man mean?
  A. He doesn’t feel like eating.  B. He doesn’t care what to eat. C. He doesn’t like chicken.
  6. Who is the woman?
  A. A hotel staff.     B. A bank clerk.    C. A restaurant manager.
  7. Why is the man at the hotel?
  A. To hold a business meeting.   B. To eat at the restaurant.   C. To spend his holidays.
  8. What does the man ask for?
  A. Some quarters.             B. 20 dollars.            C. Small change.
  9. How many 5’s will the woman give the man?
  A. Two                      B. Three                C. Four
  10. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Shop assistant and customer.
  B. Professor and student.
  C. Husband and wife.
  11. Where did Betty live when she was a child?
  A. Singapore               B. Britain                C. China.
  12. What made Betty feel especially nice while she was in Singapore?
  A. People from India and China. B. Customs from different countries.
  C. Foreign tourists.
  13. What annoyed Betty when she was in Singapore?
  A. Eating strange food.    B. Meeting different people.  C. Being looked at often.
  14. What do we know about the man?
  A. He is staying in his friends’ house.  B. He is to blame for the stolen things.
  C. He is busy with his own business.
  15. When did the man leave the café?
  A. About 7:00 pm.    B. About 10:00 pm.    C. About 11:00 pm.
  16. What would the man’s friends care about most?
  A. The TV set.     B. The computer.    C. The paintings.

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