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  • 资源大小: 168 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/23 11:50:06
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. —What’s the weather like tomorrow? I can’t hear the man clearly on the TV.
  —___________.I can manage it.
  A. Take care!   B. That’s all right     C. All right       D. What’s up ? 
  2. Things are more expensive now, so there has been _____ big increase in _____cost of living.                                                           
  A. /; the          B. a; /                C. /; /           D. a; the
  3. You’d better confirm the high--speed train’s ______ schedule so that we can make a plan to travel in the coming holiday.
  A. regular    B. frequent          C. ordinary        D. common
  4. When we said goodbye to them, we all felt very lucky_____ in college together.
  A. to study        B. to be studying      C. to have studied  D. to be studied
  5. —When did you get back from Shanghai World Expo?
  —It was Friday evening ______they were watching the football match.
  A. that           B. in which            C. when          D. since
  6. It is the best play I have ever seen, and never before _______ a film of so high quality.
  A. I saw           B. have I seen         C. did I see       D. I have seen
  7.  His coach and teammates can’t imagine how he finished the relay race, ___ his foot wounded so seriously.
  A. as                B. when          C. although         D. with
  8. There are plenty of modern hotels in the town. It _______ be difficult to find somewhere to spend the night.
  A. mustn’t           B. shouldn’t      C. needn’t         D. may not
  9. After long and hard work,the police at last discovered the _____of the baby found by the side of the Fifth Avenue.
  A. accent           B. identity       C. situation         D. emergency
  10. The Internet and the effect        brought about did much good to people’s daily life and work.
  A. that          B. what        C. which        D. it
  11.  As everyone knows, it’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview and _____ will certainly help you a lot.
  A. well dressed         B. well dressing  
  C. being well dressed        D. to be well dressing
  12. With technology continuing to develop at an alarming rate, less and less time is _______ for sleep by man.
  A. set about  B. set out C. set off D. set aside
  13. We have to be _______. There is no point in looking at a house we can’t afford to buy.
  A. accessible  B. actual C. practical  D. available
  14. I would have come earlier, but I _______ that you were waiting for me.

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