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  Module 1  Nice to meet you
  Unit 1 The first English lesson
  1.掌握重点单词:meet first English lesson class student Miss twelve year thirteen too from close open match write practise
  2.能够正确使用I’m from…
  meet             课        
  student           学生
  lesson            遇见
  twelve            从……来
  thirteen           也
  too              十三
  from             十二
  write             匹配
  practise           写
  match            练习
  Step 1检查
  1)Listen and check how many people speak.
  1 □        2  □       3   □
  2)Look at the picture . Which words can you use to describe the picture?
  Chinese  class  father  friend  mother  school  student  teacher
  Step 2 Listening
  1)Listen and check the true sentences.
  1.Miss Li is a teacher.                     □
  2.Lingling is from Beijing .                 □
  3. Daming and Lingling are friends.          □
  4. Daming and Lingling are English.          □
  5. Wang Hui is twelve years old.             □
  2) Listen and fill in the blanks.
  Miss Li: Hello.My name’s Miss Li. I’m a teacher and I’m Chinese. I’m ____ Wuhan.What’s your name? Where are you from?
  Lingling: My name’s Lingling. I’m from Beijing. I’m _____ years old and I’m Chinese. This is Daming. He’s my friend. We’re students.
  Daming: Hello. My name’s Daming. I’m a _______and I’m twelve years old. I’m from Beijing. Lingling is my friend. What’s your name?
  Wang Hui: My name’s Wang Hui. I’m ______years old. I’m from Shanghai and I’m a student. I’m Chinese. I’m in Class One.
  Miss li:   Nice to_____ you, Wang Hui.
  Wang Hui: Nice to meet you, ______.
  Step 3 Read quickly and fill in the form.
  Name Age Job City Country
  Miss Li    
  Wang Hui        
  Step 4 Speaking
  1、Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
  A: What’s your name?            B: My name’s…
  A: Where are you from? B: I’m from…
  A: Nice to meet you,… B: Nice to meet you ,too.
  2、Introduce yourself to class. Using these ways.My Chinese name is Ni Shichun. My English name is Charlotte. I'm an English teacher.You can call me Miss /Ms Ni. I'm 39 years old. I'm from Beijing, China. I'm Chinese. I teach in Beijing No.80 Junior High School G.You're my students. We're good friends.Remember these language points:
  1)_My Chinese / English name is…2)_I'm a student.         3)_I'm …years old.       4)_I'm from…5)_I study in … Junior High School .6)_We're your students. 7)_We're good friends, too.
  Step5 Vocabulary and pronunciation(Activity 6,7,8)
  1、Listening and repeat (Activity 6)
  1)Listen carefully  2)Repeat after the tape
  2、Listening and repeat (Activity 7)
  First,read alud; Then,repeat after the tape.

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