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  • 资源大小: 228 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2010/6/2 14:14:43
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第I卷 (三部分 共 115分)
  1. What probably happened to the woman?
  A. She was robbed.           B. She slipped on the stairs.   C. She was found lying on the ground.
  2. When is his birthday?
  A. May 14.                  B. May 5 .              ay 15.
  3. Where is the woman  working now?
  A. In a pany.             B. At a restaura nt.        C. At a tailor’s shop.
  4. What does the woman mean?
  A. She has been to Germany.  B. She has been to America.  C. She is going to America.
  5. What is the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Father and son.         B. Two good friends.      C. Teacher and student.
  6. When will the woman see the movie?
  A. On Sunday.               B. On Saturday.          C. On Friday.
  7. Where will the woman’s seats be?
  A. At the back.               B. In the front.           C. In the middle.
  8. How much does each ticket cost?
  A. $ 6.                      B. $ 8.                 C. $ 12.
  9. Where does the dialogue probably happen?
  A. In a gym.                 B. In a garden.             C. In an office.
  10. What does the man like to do?
  A. Cycling.                 B. Gardening.               C. Reading.
  11. What kind of books does the woman like to read?
  A. Love stories.             B. e stories.            C. Science fiction.
  12. Why did the polian give the man a ticket?
  A. He drove too fast.          B. He took the wrong way.    C. He went through the red light.
  13. What happened to the man in class?
  A. He failed his exam.         B. He took a wrong book.     C. He couldn’t find his paper.
  14. What did the man forget to do?
  A. Lock his car.              B. Wind up(上发条) his clock.  C. Save the file in the puter.
  15. Where does the man probably e from?
  A. Japan.                   B. France.                C. The USA.
  16. How does a man greet the host in France?
  A. Shaking hands with him.    B. Kissing him on one cheek.    C. Kissing him on both cheeks.
  17. What do people usually do in the US?
  A. They use the guests’ last names when talk ing.
  B. They shake hands with the guests.
  C. They looests in the eye when talking.
  18. Where did Smith finally arrive?
  A. At a country inn.           B. At a shop.                  C. At a hotel.

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