高中英语unit3 amazing people-task学案

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  unit3 amazing people-task学案
  Teaching objectives:
  1. to help students review some kinds of figures and master the forms of figures as well as the way to listen to the figures.
  2.to teach students what information should be included in a biographical article and how to write one.
  3 to madents be aware of the appropriate ways of performing each individual procedure and master the skills
  4 to mare students have opportunities to bine the skills they have learned with reality
  5 to aid students to choose and organize the information they have got and help them plete their products
  6 to enhance students’overall abilities and improve their integrated skills 
  Important and difficult points:
  1. help students learn how to make a note of figures
  2. help students how to organize information in a logical order correctly.
  3. Madents learn how to conduct an interview, how to analyse statistics and how to write a biographical article based on the interview
  Teaching procedures:
  Step 1 Lead-in 
  Asdents some questions related to the figures:
  1. How old are you ?
  2.Which floor are you on at school?
  3. What is the date today?
  4. How old is your father?
  Step 2 Silding 1: Listening for figures
  A. Asdents to read directions on P52 to get a general idea of what is to be learnt.
  B. Help students to understand the following:
  1. Kinds of figures: Cardinal numbers  Ordinal numbers Plural form of numbers
  Cardinal and Ordinal numbers
  Cardinal numbers   Ordinal numbers
  first (1st)
  second (2nd)
  third   (3rd)
  fourth  (4th)
  fourteenth  (14th)
  fortieth   (40th)
  seventeenth (17th)
  seventieth  (70th)

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