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├─2019版3年高考2年模拟(一轮复习专用)英语课件+文档_Boonit 1 A land of diversity
│36_Boonit 1 A land of diversity.pptx
├─2019版3年高考2年模拟(一轮复习专用)英语课件+文档_Boonit 2 Cloning
│37_Boonit 2 Cloning.pptx
├─2019版3年高考2年模拟(一轮复习专用)英语课件+文档_Boonit 3 Inventors and inventions
│38_Boonit 3 Inventors and inventions.pptx
├─2019版3年高考2年模拟(一轮复习专用)英语课件+文档_Boonit 4 Pygmalion
│39_Boonit 4 Pygmalion.pptx
└─2019版3年高考2年模拟(一轮复习专用)英语课件+文档_Boonit 5 Meeting your ancestors
40_Boonit 5 Meeting your ancestors.pptx
  Boonit 1 A land of diversity
  1.     vi.发生;出现
  2.    vt.& n.抓住;抓紧;掌握;领会
  3.    vt.& n.租用;雇用
  4.    vt.& vi.改革;革新
  5.     n.大多数;大半
  6.    adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的
  7.    adv. 无处;到处都无
  8.    n.手段;方法
  9.     prep.尽管;不管
  10.    vt.选择;决定做某事
  11.    n.十字路口;人行横道
  12.    n.行李
  13.    adj.感激的;感谢的
  1.slip vi.& n.       
  2.mourn vt.& vi.       
  3.insert vt.       
  4.percentage n.       
  5.boom n.& vi.       
  6.hardship n.       
  7.authority n.       
  8.justice n.       
  9.Italy n.       
  10.vice n.&adj.       
  11.racial adj.       
  12.distinct adj.     
  13.federal adj.      
  14.thoughtful adj.      
  1.     n.申请人→     v.应用;申请→     n.申请;应用
  2.     n.处罚;惩罚→     v.处罚;惩罚
  3.     n.横渡;横越;十字路口;人行横道→     v.横渡;横穿
  4.    vt.选择;决定做某事;选举某人→     n.选举;当选
  5.    vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示→     n.显示;象征;表明;标示
  6.     n.(公车)售票员;列车员;(乐队)指挥→    v.引导;带领;组织
  1.      用……办法;借助……
  2.      习惯于新的生活方式、工作等
  3.      与……合作或一起工作
  4.      申请;请示得到
  5.      包括;吸收
  Boonit 1  A land of diversity
  1 课文与语法填空
  California is the third 1 (large) state and the most multicultural state in the US. This is not 2 (surprise) when you know the history of California 3 has attracted people from nearly every country in the world. No one really 4 (know) when the first settlers arrived in 5 we now know as California. Scientists believe that Native Americans reached California 6 means of a land bridge. In the 18th century, California was ruled by Spain. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men. In 1848, gold 7 (discover) in California and the dream of becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world. In fact, few achieved their dream of becoming rich, but most 8 (remain) in California to make a life for themselves. In more recent decades, California 9 (become) home to more people from Asia. 10 is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups.
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   
  6.   7.   8.   9.   10.   
  2 课文与短文改错
  George arrived early in the morning by the bus. He went straight to the hotel, dropped his luggages, and then he went exploring. The first thing was a ride on cable car. From the top of the hill he got a spectacular view of San Francisco Bay and the city. Building in 1873, the cable car system invented by Andrew Hallidie. He wanted to find a good form of transport than horse-drawn trams. Apparent, he was shocked while he saw a terrible accident in which a tram slipped down the hill dragging the horses with it. With so many exploring, he was exhausting and had a rest.
  3 话题知识与写作
  2.据报道,成千上万的农民从农村涌向城市。 (It is reported that...)
  3.尽管辛苦,他们中的多数人都能适应城市生活。(make a life)

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