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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高考模拟试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 727 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2018/4/22 10:09:32
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  1. What does the woman say about David?
  A. He won't wait for her   
  B. He won't come home today. 
  C. He won't be on time for dinner.
  2. What will the man probably do?
  A Take the job       B. Refuse the offer   C. Change the worrs.
  3. Why does the man need a map?
  A. To tour Rome      B. To find a restaurant  C. To learn about China.
  4. What do we know about the man?
  A. He has difficulty wap
  B. He likes collecting clocks
  C He gets up late every day
  5. Why does the woman look upset?
  A. She experienced a theft.
  B. She was given a Parking ticket.
  C. She couldn't find a parking space
  6 What does the woman think of the play?
  A. Complicated           B. Wonderful          C. Boring.
  7. what's the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Director and actress.       B. Classmates.     C. Teacher and student.
  8. Why does the man want to change his current job?
  A He doesn't like a band member.
  B. He isn't into music that much.
  C. The earnings aren't stable.
  9. At what occasion would the man be invited to play most probably?
  A. A local festival.          B. A funeral        C. A birthday party
  10. what's wrong with the camera?
  A. It can't be charged        B. It can't be turned on.   C. It ruins memory cards.
  11. Why can't the man get the camera fixed for free?
  A. He broke it on purpose.    B it's out of the free service time   C. He lost his receipt.
  12. What day is it today?
  A. Saturday.                 B. Sunday               C. Tuesday
  13. Why does the man refuse to have his hair washed?
  A. He doesn't like the shampoo there.
  B He washed his hair this morning.
  C. He doesn’t want to pay extra cost
  14. When did the man get his hair cut last time?
  A. About half a month ago   B. About a month ago  C. More than 2 months ago
  15. How does the man want his hair cut?
  A. Having a regular cut.      B Having it colored    C. Trying a unique style.
  16. What can we know about the man's hair condition?
  A. Dry                      B. Thick.            C. Oily.
  17. When does the teacher want the students to take notes?
  A. After she has finished speaking.    
  B. While she is speaking,
  C. When they are studying,
  18. How many main suggestions are mentioned?
  A. Four                      B. Five               C. Six
  19. What should students do if they feel stressed?
  A. Find a comfortable bed.   B Drink some water.    C. Go out for a walk
  20. What are the students advised to do?
  A. Select the vital things to learn.
  B. Stretch their body every 5 minutes.
  C. Eat sweets or drink cola
  Operation RoundUP
  Spare change can help your neighbors
  Co-op members can reach out to worthy causes in their communities and work together to help others through Operation RoundUP.
  Each month Northeastern “rounds up” he electric bills of participating members to the next highest dollar. For example, a hill for $83. 76 would be rounded to $84.00 and extra $0. 24 would be donated to the program from this bill The program is strictly voluntary. Members must opt in the program by contacting our member service department and requesting to participate in the program.

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