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  第八讲 动词和动词短语
  1.Anyway,we're here now,so let's get down ________ some serious work.
  【解析】 句意:反正大家现在都在这儿,那我们开始做一些重要的工作吧。get down to开始做。
  【答案】 to
  2.I've been trying to phone Charles all evening,but there must be something wrong with the network;I can't seem to get ________.
  【解析】 句意:整个晚上我一都在给Charles打电话,但网络一定出现了问题,我似乎不能打通电话。get through通过,完成,接通电话。
  【答案】 through
  3.Is this your necklace,Mary?I came ________ it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning.
  【解析】 句意:这是你的项链吗,Mary?我今天早上打扫浴室的时候偶然发现了它。come across碰到,偶然遇到。
  【答案】 across
  4.Bears build ________ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.
  【解析】 句意:熊在夏天和秋天积累脂肪,以便有足够的能量使它们度过冬眠。build up增加,积累。
  【答案】 up
  5.Briggs will take ________ as general manager when Mitchell retires.
  【解析】 句意:当Mitchell退休的时候,Briggs将接任总经理的职位。take over接收,接管,接任。
  【答案】 over
  6.Team leaders must ensure that all members get ________ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.
  【解析】 句意:团队领导者必须要确保所有的队员克服本能的欲望以避免犯错误带来的尴尬。get over克服。
  【答案】 over
  7.Butterflies feed ________ a sweet liquid produced by flowers,which bees and other insects collect.
  【解析】 句意:蝴蝶以花蜜为食,蜜蜂和其他昆虫采集花蜜。feed on以……为食。
  【答案】 on
  8.(2017•江西重点中学盟校一联)—Susan looks so sad.What's wrong with her?
  —A letter from home set ________ an attack of homesickness.
  【解析】 句意:——苏珊看上去很悲伤,她怎么了?——一封家书突然引起了她的思乡之情。set off引发,激起,引起。
  【答案】 off
  9.(2017•陕西一联)The human mind can carry ________ many tasks that other animals cannot,lising language and judging what other people are thinking.
  【解析】 句意:人类大脑可以完成很多其他动物不能完成的任务,如:使用语言,判断其他人在想什么。carry out执行,完成。
  【答案】 out
  10.(2017•四川成都七中二诊)He pretended not to care but that remark gave ________ his real opinion on the matter.
  【解析】 句意:他假装不在意,但是那话却泄露了他对这件事的真实看法。give away泄露。
  【答案】 away
  11.(2017•河南开封二模)I was riding along the street and all of a sudden,a car cut ________ and knocked me down.
  【解析】 句意:我正在沿着大街骑车,突然一辆小汽车强行超车,将我撞倒了。cut in插嘴,打断,超车抢道。
  【答案】 in
  12.(2017•吉林延边质量检测)“Judging the voice,and not the appearance” makes the show—The Voice of China stand ________ from the numerous other reality shows in China.
  【解析】 句意:“根据嗓音而不是长相评判”使得《中国好声音》这个节目从中国众多其他的真人秀节目中脱颖而出。stand out引人注目,杰出,出色。
  【答案】 out
  13.(2017•陕西咸阳模拟)The computer game is designed for game lovers,young ones ________ particular.
  【解析】 句意:这款电脑游戏是为游戏爱好者尤其是年轻的游戏爱好者设计的。in particular尤其。
  【答案】 in
  14.(2017•北京海淀一模)The purpose of the article is to draw public attention ________ the problem.
  第二讲 名词
  1.The doctor told Mary that too much________(expose) to the sun is bad for the skin.
  【解析】 句意:医生告诉玛丽,过多地暴露在阳光下对皮肤有害。too much用来修饰不可数名词。
  【答案】 exposure
  2.Young people go to college with the________(expect) that better educated people get a higher pay.
  【解析】 句意:年轻人常常怀着这样的期望上大学:受过更好的教育的人会得到更高的薪水。此处,冠词后要用名词。
  【答案】 expectation
  3. Not having been given a written________(permit), he had to write another letter to the president of the university.
  【解析】 句意:因为没有得到书面许可,他不得不给大学校长再另写一封信。written作定语修饰名词。
  【答案】 permission
  4.If transport costs had been taken into________(consider) at the beginning, the factory would have been built far from its present place.
  【解析】 句意:如果运输成本在一开始就得以考虑,工厂将会建在离目前工厂很远的地方。take...into consideration意为“顾及;考虑到……”。
  【答案】 consideration
  5.As Susan stared at the piles of plastic in her recycling bin, a strong sense of________(responsible) made her stick to her recycling work.
  【解析】 句意:当苏珊盯着回收箱里的成堆的塑料时,强烈的责任感让她坚持她的回收工作。此处介词of后用名词,a sense of responsibility意为“责任感,责任心”。
  【答案】 responsibility
  6.With the help of some witnesses, three criminals were caught and asked to aid in the________(investigate).
  【解析】 句意:在一些目击者的帮助下,三名罪犯被抓捕并被要求协助调查。冠词the后用名词。
  【答案】 investigation
  7.It is not only an embarrassment for sufferers but a test of________(endure) for family and friends.
  【解析】 句意:这不仅对当事人来说很尴尬,对于家人和朋友也是一种忍耐力的考验。此处介词of后用名词。
  【答案】 endurance
  8.In view of all sorts of rumors and guesses, experts carried out some careful and scientific research and discounted the________(possible) of a second earthquake in this area.
  【解析】 句意:针对各种谣言和猜测,专家进行了一些谨慎和科学的研究,排除了这一地域的第二次地震的可能性。
  【答案】 possibility
  9.Each of us is likely to develop a personal________(prefer) for certain types of entertainment.
  【解析】 句意:我们每个人都可能会形成一种对某些类型娱乐的个人偏爱。
  【答案】 preference
  10.In severe cases, the economic burden would cause conflict for resources and intensify social________(contradict) and unrest as we have seen in the past.
  【解析】 句意:在严重情况下,经济上的重负将导致争夺资源的冲突,加剧社会矛盾和动荡,这已被我们以往的经历所证实。contradict的名词形式是contradiction。
  【答案】 contradictions
  11.A report by the Chinese Academy of Social Science said________(employ) among new graduates grew to over 12 percent last year because of the global economic crisis.
  【解析】 句意:中国社会科学院的一份报告说,因为全球经济危机,应届毕业生失业率去年增长了12%以上。分析句子结构,空处应是名词作宾语从句的主语。根据句意,应用unemployment。
  【答案】 unemployment
  第九讲 非谓语动词
  1.The comments the expert made concerning stock market bothered Bill greatly,________(make) him sleepless all night.
  【解析】 句意:专家关于股市的评论让比尔整夜无眠。现在分词作结果状语,表自然的结果。
  【答案】 making
  2.Scientists have created the world's smallest “snowman”,________(measure) about a fifth of the width of a human hair.
  【解析】 句意:科学家建造了世界上最小的“雪人”,它大约是人类头发五分之一的宽度。现在分词作定语,相当于一个主动语态的定语从句,意即:which measures...。
  【答案】 measuring
  3.According to a survey________(conduct) recently in Shanghai, the city is facing a workforce shortage of 150,000 personnel.
  【解析】 句意:根据最近在上海所开展的一项调查,该城市正面临150 000人劳动力短缺。过去分词作定语,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句,意即:which was conducted...。
  【答案】 conducted
  4.All along the way to the tourist destination, he would sometimes slow down the car________(mare if we were going the right way.
  【解析】 句意:在前往旅游目的地的路上,他有时会减速以确保我们所走的路是正确的。不定式用来作目的状语。
  【答案】 to make
  5.At the entrance of the hall hangs a picture of an elegant and graceful old woman,________(seat) smiling at everyone passing her.
  【解析】 句意:大厅入口处挂着一幅画像,画中一位优雅的老妇人坐在那里对每个经过她的人微笑着。seat用作动词时是及物动词,只可用过去分词形式,表示“就坐的状态”。
  【答案】 seated
  6.________(import) from other countries, sand painting is now being recognized in China for its uniqueness and creativity.
  【解析】 句意:沙画从别的国家引入中国之后,因为它的独一无二和创造性而被大家逐渐所认识。现在分词作状语,因为是被引进的,故应用被动形式。
  【答案】 Being imported/Having been imported
  7.Earth is believed to________(hit) by an object the size of Mars at some point in the distant past before its surface cooled.
  【解析】 句意:人们认为地球在遥远的过去,其表面冷却之前某一时刻,曾经受到火星大小的物体的袭击。hit这个动作发生在谓语is believed之前,因此应用不定式的完成时;因为是被袭击,应用被动形式。
  【答案】 have been hit
  8.Do you expect there________(be) a possibility that we shall be able to afford the furniture we need?
  【解析】 句意:你觉得我们有可能买得起我们所需要的家具吗?expect后只可用不定式作宾语,不可用动词的-ing形式,本句是there be句型的变体形式。
  【答案】 to be
  9.China is known________(change) greatly in terms of its cultural values over the past few years.
  【解析】 句意:众所周知,中国在过去的几年里在文化价值观方面发生了很大的变化。不定式的完成时表示不定式的动作在谓语动作(is known)之前发生。
  【答案】 to have changed
  10.Great efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage________(be) avoided.
  【解析】 句意:如果食物短缺的问题要得到避免,必须做出巨大的努力来增加农业生产。“be+to do”结构可用来表示“想要做……/根据计划,安排做……”;又因为是在if引导的条件状语从句里,所以用一般现在时代替一般将来时。
  【答案】 is to be

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