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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高一下学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 308 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2017/8/4 22:15:10
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  第一部分: 听力(共两节, 满分 20 分)
  做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。
  1. How much does the car cost?
  A. Two thousand dollars.        B. Three thousand dollars.     C. Five thousand dollars.
  2. What is the man doing now?
  A. He is in business with his brother.
  B. He is teaching at a high school.
  C. He is serving in the army.
  3. What is the speakers’ opinion of Jack’s sister?
  A. She is friendly.
  B. She is not a pleasant person.
  C. She doesn’t talch.
  4. Where does this conversation probably take place?
  A. During a job interview.       B. In a doctor’s office.        C. In a classroom.
  5. Why can’t the woman buy the pants?
  A. Because they don’t fit her well.
  B. Because she doesn’t have enough money.
  C. Because she can’t find the color she wants.
  6. What was the woman doing in the previous two weeks?
  A. She was studying.            B. She was working.             C. She was on vacation.
  7. When did the woman arrive in New York?
  A. At 10:00 in the morning.       B. At 10:00 in the evening.      C. At 1:00 in the afternoon.
  8. What is the woman’s major?
  A. English.                 B. History.                 C. Biology.
  9. What does the woman say about the canteen?
  A. It is too loud.
  B. The food there is terrible.
  C. It doesn’t offer enough variety.
  10. What does the woman thint her job?
  A. It is very easy.              B. It is hard to say now.           C. It keeps her very busy.
  11. Where does the woman live now?
  A. At her workplace.            B. In a friend’s home.            C. In a small apartment.
  12. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. The woman’s life in a new city.
  B. The woman’s travel experiences.
  C. The woman’s co-workers.
  13. Where does this conversation take place?
  A. On a radio show.              B. In a classroom.                 C. On TV.
  14. When did the woman start her program?
  A. One year ago.                B. Two years ago.                C. Three years ago.
  15. What is the purpose of the woman’s program?
  A. To give poor people jobs.
  B. To raise money for schools.
  C. To help old people and kids.
  16. How many volunteers took part in the program last year?
  A. Two hundred.             B. Twelve thousand.              C. Two thousand.
  17. Where is Big Ben located?
  A. Inside Elizabeth Tower.
  B. In north London.
  C. At the south end of the Palace of Westminster.
  18. How old is Big Ben?
  A. Less than 100 years old.
  B. Exactly 150 years old.
  C. More than 150 years old.

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