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  • 更新时间: 2016/9/1 15:43:30
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第Ⅰ卷 (共100分)
  1.The teacher commanded that the exercises _____ in an hour.
  A.was finished   B.should finish
  C.were finished  D.be finished
  2.The part he _____ in the movement was important.
  A.played     B.acted     C.behaved    D.Made
  3.This is not very good; I’d like the same one _____ you are using now.
  A.which    B.with which     C.as     D.in that
  4.Many students believe the choice of their majors and universities should _____ their own interest.
  A.be based on    B.base on
  C.be basing on   D.base at
  5.He has passed the examination _____ his hard work.
  A.because     B.because of
  C.thank to    D.as a result
  6.---Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?
  --- He rushed out of the room ______ I could say a word.
  A. until          B. before        C. when        D. After
  7.Mrs. Li explains English grammar so_____ that even I can understand it.
  A. clear    B. clearly   C. more clearly  D. Good
  8.Why not talk with your teacher       to solve this problem?
  A. face-to-face    B. face to face
  C. hand-in-hand    D. hand in hand
  9.To my joy, my daughter is getting along       with her classmates than before.
  A. well     B. much    C. better        D. More
  10.I thought he made this mistake       in his job because he wanted to make his manager angry.
  A. on purpose     B. for purpose
  C. with purpose    D. about purpose
  11.Chinese ___ in many schools around world. Many people love to learn it.
  A. is teaching         B. has taught         C. is taught
  12. ---- Can I sit in the front row?
  ----Yes, you can take ________ seat you like.
  A. whatever            B. what
  C. whichever           D. which
  13.She wants to ___ her job and go to study in Australia.
  A. grow up           B. give up           C. pick up
  14. The limits of a person’s intelligence, generally speaking, are fixed at birth, but ________he reaches these limits will depend on his environment.
  A. where                  B. whether
  C. that                   D. why
  15.— Do you know ___ the meeting?
  — Tomorrow morning.
  A. when they had
  B. when did they have
  C. when they are going to have

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