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  • 更新时间: 2016/4/7 17:07:53
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  本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分, 共150分。考试时间120分钟。
  第Ⅰ卷(选择题 满分70分)
  A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
  “Don't worry if you have problems!” It is easy to say until you are in the midst of a really big one. The only people who don't have troubles are gathered in little neighborhoods. Most communities have at least one. We call them cemeteries. If you're breathing, you have difficulties. It's the way of life. And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be good for you! Let me explain.
  Maybe you have heard the Great Barrier Reef, stretching some 1,800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Tour guides regularly take visitors to view the reef.
  On one tour, a traveler asked the guide an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon (泻湖) side of the reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and colorful," the traveler observed. Why is this?
  The guide gave an interesting answer, "The coral around the lagoon side is in still water, with no challenge for its survival. It dies early. The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves and storms. It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged and tested, it changes and adapts. It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces."
  Then he added, “That's the way it is with every living organism.”
  That's how it is with people. Challenged and tested, we come alive! Like coral pounded by the sea, we grow. Physical demands can cause us to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce tough-mindedness and resiliency. Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness. So, you have problems? No problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"
  Remember: A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
  1. Who has no problems according to the passage?
  A. The persons who are very famous.   
  B. The persons who have much money.
  C. The persons who have been born.    
  D. The persons who are living in the cemeteries.
  2. In the writer's opinion, ________.
  A. problems bring us much trouble
  B. problems have two sides, good or bad
  C. we should try to stay away from any trouble
  D. the fewer things we do, the less trouble we'll meet
  3. The reason why lagoon side of the reef has no life is _______.
  A. it hasn't got any sunlight             
  B. it has less energy than others
  C. it has no work to do every day
  D. it never faces any challenge and tests   
  4. After reading this passage, we should ________.
  A. regard any problem as challenge       
  B. learn from the lagoon side
  C. worry your problem                  
  D. enter into cemeteries
  I was driving home the other day on a sunny afternoon. I had a smile on my face as I sang along to the songs on the radio. It was a beautiful day that I felt full of happiness. My good mood ended, however, when the radio station took a news break between songs. Then suddenly I found myself listening to yet another story of a rich famous man who had broken the law. I shook my head as I came to a red traffic light.
  As I pulled to a stop I noticed four leather-jacketed bikers. They were standing in the middle of the road with two on either side of the light. They loogh and dangerous, but as I got closer I noticed each one was holding their helmet in their hands. I rolled down my window as one approached my car. “We are the Br

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