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  第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  The Dog and the Joey
  Leonie Allan lives in an area of Australia where people often find wildlife in their yards. One spring morning, Leonie took her dog Rex for a walsual. The walk was casual, but Rex was acting strangely afterward. As Leonie worked in the yard, Rex kept looking down on the road where they had taken their walk. Then he began standing very still, with his nose pointing toward what he wanted Leonie to notice.
  Rex, a mixed breed (血统), is part “pointer”. Pointers are dogs that naturally stand very still and point with their entire body in the direction of wildlife they see or smell. They are trained not to hunt animals but simply to point to where they are. They are excellent in tracking and finding animals.
  Leonie became worried when Rex left to investigate (调查). She thought he might have found something dangerous. She called the dog bact when Rex returned, in his mouth he had a joey, a baby kangaroo about four months old. Picp an animal was unusual behaviour for Rex, since he hadn’t been trained to do so. Leonie was surprised that Rex had taken the joey gently by the neck and brought it to her. The baby joey didn’t appear to be afraid at all.
  “He obviously sensed the baby kangaroo was still alive,” Leonie said, “and somehow had gently took it by the neck and brought it to me.”
  Rex and the joey, which Leonie named Rex Jr., spent the afternoon playing together. “The joey was snuggling (依偎) up to him, jumping to him, and Rex was sniffing and licking him --- it was quite sweet,” Leonie told the newspaper reporter.
  Rex Jr. was bottle-fed and raised at a wildlife sanctuary (庇护所). A year and a half later, he was released back into the wild in an area where he could be monitored. Now Rex Jr. is part of a group of kangaroos, living a normal kangaroo life --- thanks to Rex, a gentle dog that knows how to point.
  1. The “pointer” gets its name because of its ability to ______.
  A. discover wildlife B. be gentle with wildlife
  C. avoid dangerous situations D. get along with other animals
  2. When Rex went to investigate, Leonie was worried because ______.
  A. she thought he might get lost
  B. she knew he was tired after the walk
  C. she did not want to stop working in her yard
  D. she did not want Rex to put himself in danger
  3. Which word best describes Rex’s behaviour toward the joey?
  A. Sympathetic. B. Curious.    C. Protective.   D. Respectful.
  As popular as they are globally, selfie sticks (自拍杆) are being asked to stay away from more places. Now the Palace Museum has become cautious about the device (设备), too.
  Museums take the lead
  Out of safety concern, a number of museums took the lead earlier this year to ban selfie sticks in order to protect their artworks and visitors. Several major museums in other countries have said “no” to the device, including the Rome’s Colosseum, the Smithsonian museums in Washington and the National Portrait Gallery in the UK. More Chinese museums are joining the international trend as well, for example, the Nanjing Museum, which took the step last week.
  Although the Palace Museum has not issued an official ban, the museum’s administration has recently warned visitors to be more careful with the device. If the device is used in crowded place or narrow area, the staff is likely to walk up and stop it. Selfie sticks are also advised to stay outside the exhibition area in the museum, as the stretchable (可伸缩的) device can be disturbing to other visitors and dangerous to the museum objects.
  It is still a question whether sefie sticks will be challenged in more casual occasions lisement part the Tokyo Disneyland officially bans the use of selfie stick inside the theme park area.
  The voices
  The Louvre museum in Paris has not yet banned selfie stict an action is expected to be announced in a few weeks. A leader of the museum told a foreign media his vexation: More visitors are waving the devices high in the air, and some of them are only few centimeters away from the famous original Mona Lisa.
  “Museum photos are good for spreading the cultural messages, but we should pay attention to our ways,” said Cao Wei, a famous Sina Weibo blogger. “I support the museums’ actions on the selfie stick ban.”
  4. Why have lots of museums banned visitors from using selfie sticks?
  A. Because they are illegal devices.
  B. Because they may cause insecurity problems.
  C. Because they may do harm to visitors health.
  D. Because they have been forbidden in other occasions.
  5. What does the underlined word “vexation” mean in the passage?
  A. purpose. B. concern. C. determination.        D. assumption.
  6. In the Palace Museum, visitors ______.
  A. are never seen using selfie sticks
  B. are forbidden to use selfie sticks
  C. are warned to be careful with selfie sticks
  D. are allowed to use selfie sticks only in exhibition area
  7. In Cao Wei’s view, ______.
  A. visitors shouldn’t get close to the artworks
  B. the ban on selfie stick is necessary
  C. visitors shouldn’t take photos in the museum
  D. selfie sticld be banned on more casual occasions
  A lot of us think that we should visit the dentist every six months. Whether those check-ups are really necessary is, however, a matter of debate. In 2000, three-quarters of dentists surveyed in New York were recommending six-monthly check-ups, despite the absence of evidence. Today, many organizations still recommend six-monthly check-ups. But for several decades some have been arguing that the choice of six months as the ideal space between visits is rather questionable. For example, Aubrey Sheiham, a professor of dental public health, publish

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